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where have they gone or they got new names
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where have they gone or they got new names
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where have they gone or they got new names
hi ive been gone for well over a year and just returned..

i wanna know if any of these players are still around, i used 2 give them a few good games on my old nick...they were all pretty class

do they have new names or they left the site these days cos aint seen them

Special D
Im relatively new mate, so I dont know many of them but Stunruns around for sure.
Lol! Stunruns not been around in years. The one you see around is a fake. Airwave quit too, about 6 months ago. The rest also been gone for ages:)
Lol, a fake, ok kiri mate....I'll take your word for it :)
sturum was a greet player, fair and class
my absolute favori
i hope he will come back

I've only just come back too. Most of the old names are gone now.
ah reeet...cheers lads

so who are the big un's these days then?

cant belive Air aint around anymore, Him and Stun were very good players
And im named "the new kid on the block"

Hmm, theres loads. Fva4ever, Ronnie O Kiev, Duffy, 147, Pronovice, Squirelli, The Crown, Dannyboy, Mickey Oliver, Hopscottie, Speiler 30, Moto GP, Networkman, Top Cue etc etc

Heres the link to the best players at the moment:


hope ive been of asistance, Dave
The link doesn't work and the top 20 doesn't display a list of the best players. It shows the players who have spent their time earning points.
Lol, it shows the top 20 players. The top 20 players are the best players. Just because you're no where near the cut, dont say theyre not the best. The rankings say they are the best, hence, they are the best. What a silly thing to say ;\
Not everyone plays for points Dave.
Nowhere near the cut? Points are easy to get. I've seen your little brown ball in PRO. Thing is you play for points, I play for fun. If I really wanted crown I could take it. I've had it many times before.
Hhaha, i can assure you Pelon little boy that i have been higher than brown. Lmao, if you paid FOD for the crown you still wouldnt keep hold of it, now please, immature one, VANISH!
Little, immature? Strange. 
 There, look them up and try again.

There is no doubt you've been higher than a brown. Who hasn't?
cheers dave but i aint gonna be up there no more i aint got time to play and theres a LOT of people above me 
Pelon used to be class;)

Airwave was never that good...He was good man, but not like Stunrun.

Dave that top list was crap, and thats being polite. 
duffy announcing his retirement from the world of FOD :o

,, as for the top 20, none of the good players will be on that cos it is just subs, 
Yeah, is that so Kiri? You're not in it because its the Pro top list, if it was an 8 ball top list you'd be straight in there.......so relax.
I don't care if I'm in the list Dave, its still crap.;)

I know plenty of better players...forgetting shawanda?
Lmao, hes the most overrated player ever, u need to go and read  the thread named "the thread to end all threads" and then you'll see that im not the only player who thinks that. Anyway, im relatively new and heavent been playing on here for years like you so im only including the players that ive heard of ;\

And dont reply by saying, "oh yeah Dave, because you're a great player" because I have never claimed to be, late.
crap coz hara werent on it :p
na to be honest hara thats a pretty good list he put together cept Moto? but is good list dont know why u disagree...
Ahh where's nish.....and greeny....when ya need 'em ;)
I don't care if people think hes overrated. Thats only because they don't know who he is. 

Well, I will play any one who thinks I am not up to standerd.

Put it like this, I have not seen a player that even up to my league. There are a few good players, Hara is class, but yet he knows how good I am. 

I am not over rated. If you want to see the best of me? Some one will have to become class for me to even try. Which I don't see happening.

Ty Matt :D
gunna have 2 start playing better than that m8, 

i understand that uve jus came back but i made that 2-0 look easy hehe 

c u around
the top 20 list is crap man. Most player have 3 or 4 names in there and many people cheat now. They getting there friends to give free wins and its crap. I would like to the the old class players come back. Ive had crown a few times in both (8) and (9) and it just not as fun anymore. Way too many runner and people making new names to set record. I think it lame now
shawanda i have played u a few times, and i have to say u are very good. But i think i could give u a good match. lol
Shawanda, im ready when you are, i dont believe you have ever beaten me, under that name at least, u may be a good player... but you are not THAT good.... no-one is!
shaw pro is the game to play and hara rarley plays it
fret, i have beaten you about 5-6 times in pro, out of 5-6 games and lets be honest they was not even close. 

Con, you beat me 2-0 in 8ball! for one, i told you i was just mucking about, hense me going for double's on p' easy blacks, other wise it could have been an easy 2-0 win to me. so stop blowing your own trumpet about your win.

Hello Euan, hows it going mate?

Hara don't play pro that much i know, but i still managed to beat him like 10-8 in 8ball while giving him a 6 game lead :p.

I will repeat this again, i will only try if i feel it is needed, as the older players will know. Once you have been around playing this game for as long as i have, done every thing i wanted to do in the game, it gets rather boring, it is more fun just mucking about and going for the silly shots to make it fun.

ty Matt :D
LMFAO u tryed doubles on the black

man sorry to spoil your bubble but you never got onto the black in our 2 games

O well if your that good im sure we'll meet again and ill try and beat you again
lol ok m8, w/e u say, wen i got two 70's in a row, i dont think u even got on the black,

but it was all fun
oops just re-read ure post, that bit about blacks was for con not me.... but i think if nething we are closer to even than you far better than me... of course you are better than me, u had 147 for petes sake, just remember this a couple of the games were close :o :p
>do they have new names 

Ya they have new names, but some of them stay using new names and old also ones. For example Beppe still posts as Beppe but also posts as Hara Kiri, Tara, Snipe, Uberville, Virus, and many fake multiple personalities.
Zzzz, don't pretend you know any of those players.
Con m8, i was Special D ...  they were the days lol

i wasnt that good then, got bit better now though

hope i helped
in other words same player lol

Hi every1 btw, i fink i may come back lol

hara imm comin after u lol, nice 2 c u again mate

wasnt tht good? aww man i fort u lyked me lol
Course I like you, and yea you were class, but I ment compared to Stunrun;). I didnt know you were Special D... Hope to see you back soon m8, could do with a challenge:D.
Whoop you anytime matt ;)

No offence nishy but you never had a touch on me :p

kekeke  wen you on m8?

"whoop you anytime matt"

i MUST see this game!
Soz matt im never on lol.

But ye i never did have a touch on u ;)
Nish :p

long time no see, too be honest i don't play often, let alone finding a time to play you either.

you most prob would whoop me, as im crap now (but still better than half of the players now days on this site"

ty Matt :D
Superkid316 hasn't been on since 2002 wish he'd come back on me n him were best buds 

Ye matt 1 day, make a date we'll give em a show to watch :p.

I tried playin a couple days ago n got 7balld lmfao...