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what does demerit point beside my name mean?
check the name urself its leesheridan
im pretty new but doesnt it mean something like muted??  done something wrong i guess lol
u receive a demerit point when u swear, or be abusive or any misbehaviour really that is more than a minor swear word. This means people automatically have you muted as soon as you enter the room and must unmute you for you to challenge/talk to them that they recognise.

from dictionary.com

A mark made against one's record for a fault or for misconduct. 

 These are some of the things that can get you a demerit or ban.
I am not sure what you guy are talking about.  Can you be automatically muted for misconduct?  Are you saying that you can.  Because if a player can be muted then why haven't some of the rude ones paid the penalty.  (a)
i got banned cause a guy said hel hack it then i got banned but my frnd did it to but he did not get banned why didnt he????????
A mark made against someone's name - classic