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Digger Luck Level Question
Digger Luck Level Question
Digger Luck Level Question
I am a pure digger with 87 luck and level 24.  I am wondering if raising luck level really does anything at this point.  I am already getting a lot of hyperiums, dispros, etc., maybe one in every 5 digs on average.  Should diggers start putting points into something like persistence after 60 or so, so they can carry more and have more hitpoints??  Thanks,
Yes you should stop putting into luck. After you get to 60 luck, you've dug up every gem larkinor has to offer. So while adding more luck may slightly increase the frequency of valuable stones, its kind of pointless. Try putting more into persistance so you can carry more weight.
Depends on whether you want to make more money or be able to carry more and fight better. More luck means better chance of digging up hyperiums, which in turns means more exp and money.

Looking at your character, he has 6 intel but has not learnt magic yet. Do this asap, but it may be too late already. I'll prob suggest fighting with weapons since you wont have enough mana.
Take a look at my digger Ali.  He has 70 luck and then from there hes been putting into Dex and IQ so he can fight.  At lvl 29 he took out a few TA monsters, at lvl 30 he past the 100+ monster mark and now at 31 he has surpassed 155 monster and climbing.  He has a good deal of magic, currently +3, and also the ability to use a lvl 30, soon to be lvl 31, weap.  Tho he does not have sufficent Pers, Str, or Quick, he can however fight critters when needed and still dig up oreputty/rare gems and steal nails.  He also builds and has a sizeable bank account compared to the rest of my char's.  I chose to stop at 70, all along putting some Atty points here and there, but none the less created a semi decent digger/fighter.

Good luck!
well my guy(bigbro)has 86 luck and it really helps but i'm not going to fight so i rather get the $$$, i dig up somehthing good every 3 digs on average.

   Deck ;)
as you've seen, you have options.  you can just keep putting into luck, and get hyperium more often (translating into more money and exp).  you can train persistance (or strength) so you can carry more (to train persistance for hp's doesn't really matter, since your lvl of luck gets you quite a lot already).  you can train dex or iq to be able to fight.  so it's a matter of choice.  i'd say if your other char's don't bring in much money, then just keep digging.  but if you're not really in need of a lot of money, start training to fight in a few lvl's.
I just figured I'd weigh in... as Jewyl now has 130 luck, so I clearly see SOME sort of merit to putting points into luck.

What you need to decide is what you intend to do with your char.  If you will ONLY be digging with the char, then you should just keep adding to luck, because as Raiken said, the more luck you have the more profitable you are as a digger.

If you think you will want to fight with your digger char then you'll need to strike some type of compromise between adding to luck and adding to int (for a mage) or dex (for a fighter).  

If you look at Jewyl, you'll see that at lvl 40 she has lvl 44+ magic, so she is a sucessful mage.   No, she's not quite as good as a pure mage, as she does get double hit a bit becasue of having no quickness, but what you'll find is that by continuing to add to luck you don't really need to add to quickness at all...

Sooooo.... if you are going to fight with your digger but also continue to do a lot of digging with your digger, you will need to continue adding to luck so that you maintain enough luck to offset your lack of quickness as you level.

If you only want to dig with your digger, then by all means... keep adding to luck!  And possibly slowly add to pers as well so that you can carry more.  Though that'll be more of a factor if you plan on doing a lot of digging on TA.  You're always going to overload digging, and I've not done enough tests to really decide whether there is a finacial gain by increasing your carrying capacity.  Maybe we can get Sandy to weigh in on that one :p

-Jewyl  :)
I do so love a good digger conversation.

Like Jewyl, I've got my fair share of luck.  I've got two charaters 120+, with only enough dex to keep their weapon skills at their current level.  The only real reason I've put those points into dex is because I sometimes get bored with digging.  It lets me get mushrooms a little earlier than a pure-luck digger, but in the long run, when you get the mushrooms doesn't make much difference if you're just a digger.  I think it's pretty obvious that putting EVERYTHING into luck (except those 6 character creation points which you can't) will maximize your digging profits.

If you ask me, overloading on the good stuff really isn't all that bad of a thing to happen, as long as you're in the habit of digging near to a store and a bank or market.  If you're really into fine tuning your silvers/click ratio by limiting your number of trips to the store, you should probably look more closely at your discard strategy, rather than adding to your weight capacity.

Notice that only disprosium (10k/kg), oreputty (10k/kg), silver (10k/kg), gold nuggets (20k/kg), kithrill (20k/kg), centrolium, (33k/kg) hyperium (130k/kg) and diamonds (1m/kg) are worth equal to or more than their weight in silvers.  Emeralds are the next best at 1750/kg, and they're not even close: it over 5.5kg of emeralds (142 of them) to add up to the value of 1kg of disprosiums (2)!

The recent Digger Study provides a perfect example which proves the effectiveness of this "worth it's weight in silvers" strategy.  In the first block in the study, I made 1.65 million silvers (all sales at 50%) in 1000 clicks by throwing away only copper, iron and tin (weighing 2825kg and worth a mere 40k).  Of that 1.65 million, a mere 66k was made up of emerald, ruby, pearl, lapis lazuli and opal (items NOT worth their wieght in silvers).  These weighed an astonishing 123kg.  So to make that 66k in silvers, I had to truck 123kg's worth of stuff to the store... that's almost two full loads for digger with an antiballast and no strength or persistance.

Compare that to the remaining 1.58 million in silvers that I got from the "worth their weight in silver" items.  These weighed a mere 53kgs... which does not even require ONE trip to the store for that same digger.

Had I thrown away everything except the stuff that was worth more than it's weight in silver, I would have made 2 fewer trips to the store/bank/market by forgoing a mere 66k in profits... that's only 4%!

So how do you determine if it's worth it for YOU to throw away all this stuff too?  Dig a full load (minus copper, iron and tin), calculate the 50% value of the "less than their weight in silver" items, divide that by the number of clicks it takes you to do a store/bank/market run and figure out if that silvers/click value is better or worse than the silvers/click average you make by digging.  It's far worse for me (because I tend to spend a lot of clicks cashing in my listing dispro, kith, centro and hyperium on the market for 50% rather than selling them to the store), so I'm personally tossing everything that's not worth it's weight in silvers.



I was talking to VOD yesterday in chat.  He had mentioned that at his level of luck, 166, every time he comes across ore, it fills his satchel. So, I thought I would try to save the mushrooms until I get to level 50, and just skip over this dilemma by jumping my luck up to 206 all at once.  Then I came across this topic, and thought I'd ask you if you think this is a good strategy or not.  Thanks.

You're making me think quite a bit here.  It seems to come down to personal preference.  You'll get less copper per copper dig with a lower luck, but you'll get more copper digs since an item becomes more rare as you approach it's drop off point.  As long as you're under the drop off point, you're going to be repeatedly overloading on copper digs almost all the time.  And as your backpack fills up with good stuff, you're going to overload on one copper dig anyhow.

Having a significantly lower luck value will mean less copper per copper dig, but it'll also mean fewer hyperiums and oreputty.  Is your intention to make money, or to level up conveniently?  Since my primary purpose was to make money, I didn't care how inconvenient it was.

Your point is interesting, and may be a useful strategy depending on your perspective.  It certainly would be satisfying to eat 25 mushrooms and zoom past a drop off point!
