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Hi Flyordie staff
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Hi Flyordie staff
Posted in 
Hi Flyordie staff
I just want to make a suggestion ,I was thinking it would be cool if FOD let us put our own music in our information box like let us upload a non verbal song.
please let me know :D
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Wait wait....

Your own tune in your information page thats daft..lol
I do think the facility to add large pictures via url
link that one hosts themselves would be cool! B-)

Hey F6, thinking about. I'd probably have something
like Salvia, "your diasease" or maybe some 50 Cent. :p

No, really I think any ideas are good ideas, keep posting
them F6.

I dunno, it sounds better than alot of other stuff that has been suggested.
I think it would be a great addition to flyordie :d
You could just turn sound down and open windows media player :p
legend it's just to show your taste in music or to intimidate people by listening to your music ,It's just an add on to subscribing it will make alot of people subscribe im sure of it.
theyd be kool to like create your own info page....& add music + have a friends list so you know where your friends are all the time....[this things are for subbed people only...ty]
theyd be kool to like create your own info page....& add music + have a friends list so you know where your friends are all the time....[this things are for subbed people only...ty]
theyd be kool to like create your own info page....& add music + have a friends list so you know where your friends are all the time....[this things are for subbed people only...ty]
Also this would be better off in dear moderators? Or by sending an email to flyordie itself?