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is there a thread for gambaling problems?
is there a thread for gambaling problems?
is there a thread for gambaling problems?
is there a thread for gambaling problems?
no but maybe for spelling problems ;)
ur irte ther should b a thread 4 excessive gamblers, like me, i gambled a days work 4 my digger, won tho
michael, if you're going to correct your typing problems, you might as well correct them:
"ur irte ther should b a thread 4 excessive gamblers, like me, i gambled a days work 4 my digger, won tho" becomes "you're right, there should be a thread for excessive gamblers like me. i gambled a day's work for my digger - i won though"
--jason, just helping out ;)
atleast im not alone on the typos
ok, so accrodnig to a sruevy pulbshied by Camrbgide Uvinserity, it dsoe'nt parciturarly mttaer in wihch odrer you put the ltteers so lnog as the frist and lsat ltters are in the rghit palce. 
Even so, it wloud be eaiser to raed if you treid to sepll correclty.
Now ltes see if tehy do a sruvey abuot the correltaoin beweten gambaling prolbems and seplling prolbems.
ha ha see what u mean.but a little hard to read! :)
i like this idea though... why not have people post here for new individual win and loss records, or just when something interesting happens in the casino?