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flyordie 9/11 and major tradegy tribute
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flyordie 9/11 and major tradegy tribute
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flyordie 9/11 and major tradegy tribute
i think that in honor of those lost that flyordie hold a tribute or do something to honor those lost on 9/11 and on major catastrophies like the hurricane and help out. i mean it wouldnt hurt it would help. so i propose that flyordie do something to honor those lost in major catastrophies like 9/11 or hurricane katrina
There we are agreed Doooz.
why not just leave them be
if we leave the terrorists be then 9/11 will happen again. and worse the next time
where do i say leave the terrorists be?

i was watching a programe on tv about the firefighters who were there on 9/11,they said they will never forget BUT every time they turn the page in the paper or watch the news, its there and reminds them of what their trying to get over...

sry misunderstood... but we wont forget because people like me wont let then
Why specifically the US tragedies? Why not the Tsunami in SE Asia, the school masacre in Beslan, the London Transport bombs and maybe even a mention of the thousands of of innocents who were killed by US and British forces in the liberation of Iraq?
Why not this? If you want to talk or give thoughts about what you listed, then created your own forum topics about each one to express your support if you care so much.
well said beppe, it aint all about jus the USA on here tyvm, if u listed all bads things going on in the world, then the list wud be endless
Yes, but this forum topic was created by this specific person and was designed for katrina and 9/11.

Why don't you two create your own forum topic instead of moaning about why this one was designed for the tradegies in the U.S.

Make your own topic and make the list as endless as you want, if you care that much, then you will. If not, then let this one be carried out for what it has been meant for.

My thoughts to 9/11 and Katrina are simple...sorry for the losses. And Bush's administration, the biggest joke ever. 
I highly doubt FOD would lift a finger.
ahhhh yes but wat about all the tragidies tht ave happpend in between 9/11 and katrina?

Apparently, this person is only concerned with the incident of Katrina and 9/11. That is what this topic is about. Not about anything else. There are other topics located elsewhere I am sure that are concerned with different tragic events throughout the world some where. Perhaps the tsunami or the london bombings are what have you. If you go to the search option maybe you can find a topic that you are more interested with, an event that had more of an impact on you personally. 
Ya know I did reread this members post.

It does say "like" 

So maybe he is not concerned with only U.S. tragedies. He did say "like" afterall.
The poster appears to have an attitude where he or she  thinks that only major tragedies in the USA count. I don't like this attitude, so I said something. Sorry if you don't think the same way Doozer, but this is the place to post such a reply. Don't get me wrong, the ones he list are still major events.
well i meand to include global tradegies i thought i put it in there but i meant to put it in
Wow.. nice 9/11 tribute guys..

God bless those fighting against the terrorists. May this never happen again.