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Guess since FOD doesn't offer refunds they have no real incentive to make these games work.

Wish microsoft or someone would wise up and start a tanx.
FOD must be based in some communist country, they sure don't understand how to take care of customers.

have they ever even apolgized for anything??
and whats up with being a moderator, they don't even get paid.

maybe FOD is wiser than i think, they get people to pay $$$$$ for something that doesn't work and moderators to work for free.

are we all on drugs for putting up w/ this crap???


Thats true w/e he/she said but PLzz FIX the games and make them look better plzzz and tanx is not working plzz fix the mistakes ya have ASAP and also in Billiards
I won't bother typing out the same message for a 2nd time....follow this link to a posting I made in another topic....a refund...LOLO  ....that must be a joke right?


No, GhostRider, I dont think they are joking.  Think about it...these ppl have PAID to be able to play the game.  If the services they have paid for are not working, FOD should refund their money, or extend their time.

Legally, they can SUE FOD for not giving them a refund for the time the service is down.  If you pay for a service, and it is not available, you are due your money back or comp days to make up.  

Simple as that/
   I think we need to talk to bill gates.
well...if you followed the link in my previous message 
and read my other message (network related issues)
you would see it as a 
possible cause
to any loss of access that may happen....
just because a user can't access the game or the site 
does not mean it's related to FlyOrDie's servers...
that's all I was pointing out...
hopefully this will clear up any 

 of my message(s).


FOD is based in HUNGARY.  democratic ideals and open economy issues are ah...let us say...evolving...lol.

SERVERS, ACCESS, etc.  Often internet access is to blame..often it is the servers or even the chosen pipeline chosen by a company, in this case FOD, whose vageries cause access and performance to suffer.

GHOST, while you are a competant advocate of FOD and their IT/Development realities...the wheels come off the cart when FODs business model meets customer expectations - especially those of paying customers.  FOD chose to do business on the internet and therefore bears some responsibility for satisfying their paying customers issues with game performance.  There IS a balance to be struck.  FOD's demonstrated idea of this balance is akin to the playgound seesaw being used by 2 children.  One of which weighs 200 pounds more than the other.  Many businesses lose customers and often go out of business because they refuse to acknowledge and plan for this reality.  Small businesses used to b the Hallmark of this.  %90 closing there doors within three years.  INternet based businesses have eclipsed these statistics primarily because it tougher to ignore a complaint from a guy whose breath is withering ur face than it is to ignore someone 4,000 miles away whose $ u allready have.
Good point(s) made TrackSquid....(except for the nationality comment about FlyOrDie...that has 
 relevance to this topic) thank you for the compliment.....I have always been.... and will continue to be..... an advocate for FlyOrDie and the very talented people on their team.
I think they do a fine job....
however....a few comments I would like to make...
your message fails to address the very real possibility that a failure in the web itself.... or data stream (other than the game servers) is often the cause of outages for 
 web site.....not just FlyOrDie's....there have been times where I have done a tracert and discovered it was a failure somewhere in the hops made...
enroute to the game server(s)....while at the same time being in an instant message conversation with one of the support staff at FlyOrDie...and it gets confirmed by them...(in other words they see the same failure..in the same location as I do) un-related to the FlyOrDie site in any way.
regarding the customer service aspect of the games.. I also feel FlyOrDie does an outstanding job.....considering the hundreds of e-mails they receive each day....one point worth noting...if you have a customer service issue that you would like addressed......email games support directly (using the e-mail address you registered your nickname with) don't post it here in the forums...that's not what they were designed for...the forums were designed as a means of communicating to other players about the games in a tasteful and respectful manner...not for "bash-O-grams" to FlyOrDie....as we unfortunately often see here.

have fun,


well ghost yes there is times when maybe its not FODS fault but in this case you have to look at the timeing,  just when FOD came back on line poof they had a new sign in page for tanx  so could it be that they went down to reset this page or no ???
Dunno man I only play here....
did'nt have my crystal ball out that day.. :p

personally..... I don't loose any sleep over it...
the game always comes back....  

not worth whining about really...well....  
maybe for some it is......   

Ur Welcome GHOST and thank YOU.  I respect ur position on FOD while I may not always agree with you.  

The HUNGARY reference HAS relevance for one simple reason - YALLQUIT said "...FOD must be based in some foreign country...".  I was being informative...lol.  I DO believe that cultural "upbringing" DOES play a part in how a company's personnel respond to business issues.  No one goes into business and gets customer service intuition with their diplomas/business licenses - ESPECIALLY people who are largely IT focused lol.

My earlier reply DID NOT "fail to address..." the issues of a web-based failure vs FOD server failure.  I said it is often ANY ONE of those things.  I'm an e-business specialist and deal with that very issue with scores of companies everyday both large and small.  I know you have great experience with this issue from your business as well.  MY POINT was and is that any compnay doing business on the web chooses its business partners and makes THEIR quality issues its own when it does.  I don't disagree about the example you state however, that isn't the rule.  FOD has choices about the network its connected to just like it does about its own pipe, servers, etc, etc.  MANY times it IS those choices that are degrading performance - many times it is not.  FOD does not have a COMPELLING reason to address these kind of complaints because the subscribers ultimately have no real recourse.  I don't think they are neccessarily trying to screw anybody but their focus is NOT on customer service.  It willNOT take precedence over their development plan because they really don't HAVE, nor do they feel compelled to deal with it as a priority.

Uh-oh...did THORNinURSIDE write this?!?!?  ...help me...helpme....i been HYPNOTIZED!....

The Ever-loving but Respectfully Disagreeing (and mis-spelling) TrackSquid. BTW...........    ................................................................setting scurolous jumper/banking/victimizing/stacking SCREWBALLS ( the majority of the ones COMPLAINING) on fire for other SUBS to kill is a DUTY (and a JOY) of EVERY self repecting player who believes in FAIRNESS.  ITs called DEVINE RETIBUTION... lol.  The guys who actually EARN their + 300 scores should be left alone and curiously enough...aren't complaining much....
ummm  ....  why was my post not alowed ?  it badgered no one and there was not one cuss, nor did it make fun of degrade, demean, humilate or besmudge anyone or anything  in regards to FOD or anyone individual... so please let me know the reason so i'll be sure not to repeat the same mistake twice.  but i do need to know what it was 
Hi Folks...Interesting topic indeed so to add to this next time FOD is off line have a look around find something around the house to do ...something productive, and you will be pleased that you have acheived something, and be satisfied that sometimes the urge to blow something of "time" up can be better spent.Then write your thankyou messages here for the better spent time in your lives.