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Suggestions for improvements to billiards.
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Suggestions for improvements to billiards.
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Suggestions for improvements to billiards.
Right then. We've had a few people over the weeks asking for changes to be made to the current code, and some of them have been pretty good ideas. I've started the ball rolling with something I'd like to see in billiards. Feel free to add your own comments/ideas.

Sensible ideas and requests only please. Anything silly 
 be deleted.

Boot button in rooms

I find it increasingly annoying when someone comes into a game unnanounced just to hassle you or your opponent. I'd like to see a feature in the rooms that allows spectators to be kicked from that room. Something along the lines of highlighting that individuals name and pressing a button on the screen (like the mute button). If both players do the same thing, that spectator gets sent back to the lobby.
Well what if a friend of your opponent is watching and talking whilst your play and you then boot them, would that make your opponent happy?

I would like to be able to make a room, not a room6 for example but make rooms in a room if you catch my drift? If you have played on yahoo you will know what I’m talking about, and people are not allowed in unless invited. That would make it better for leagues ect.

Just a idea ;)

ive posted this before but i think we should have side spin introduced. just trying to get it into everyones heads lol. good idea minor that would be a better structure than the current one
Only problem i might see is if the TD makes a mistake or tries to tell a player something and they may not invite the td in therefore he/she cant tell the players the info or mistake
wots the point in a boot button y dont u just use the mute thats wos its there for 2 not see ppl chattin lyrics
well u want improvements well i will give u some some stuff about fod it is unrealistic i wont deny i like playing it but it isnt really real snooker u can put spin on the bottom of the ball even if u r on the cushion 1 more all of the players struggle 2 even make a a 50 break this game will never produce a 147 i doubt n e 1 will even produce it on even with the aim lines on pool ppl have loike 12 attempt 2 clean up the balls dont spread enough it isnt real the game is unrealistic but i do enjoy it fod 1 question is a 147 possible and i reckon personnaly it is no well then wots the point
ohh i been waiting for this one. Here goes:

* Side spin
- better breaks (not fake ones where u can hit 3 balls everytime but to actually break the balls up proper)
* im not sure if this is stupid but black goes in way to easy for some of the "minor" players lol like in real life pool the black goes in like 1/30
- improved previous stats e.g biggest break over best streak current streak etc. whatever
* better tourneys ! the current method is good but maybe actual pairings showing up.

think thats about it..
ppl please post your ideas on here ! for once fod letting us speak, use it wisely ;)
3 cheers for bishi :)

- SP -
i agree with bishi, there should be a "chucking out unwanted ppl button". i hate it when ppl come into a game and stay there insulting the players. many times i have played ppl, others come into the room and usually throw insults or plague me with asl stuff. now i dont mind ppl watching or whatever, but when they are asked to leave, i think they should do so. its rude to stay where you aint wanted and it really irritates me.

and dont anyone dare come into a room where i am playing and insult me or chuck asl stuff at me, cos now you know it really irritates me...thanks

i have more thoughts[P] maybe a "Retake" button after a foul so it makes it more realistic. but maybe only 3 retakes may be allowed at one time if in the situation of a snooker that is impossible to get out of.[P]To improve the trouble with cussing flooding etc. i thought about maybe a "Mod Alert" button if theres trouble in the room then someone can report a disturbance and a mod can come right away and sort out the trouble.[P]and yes i do like fod the way it is now lol
oh dont need tags for spacing :D 
crazy idea about retake coz we wanna actually stick to 8 ball rules yah ;) but mod alert is very good idea : d 

- SP - 
oh sorry the retake button was for snooker only lol.
no way work in 8 ball :D
ahhhh i remember another one. Its another snooker suggestion. It would be a lot better if you would have to call for your next colour that your hitting. This would stop some of the flukes :)
I have a suggestion: How about every game that I play, I automatically win. Seems fair to me! :)
Lindz, the Real dirtyangel
Sorry Bishi, didn't know they had to be sensible. Oh well.
First let me say, I appreciate the improvements already made over time but here's my wish list of improvements:

1)  Improve the break. While making the break more random has eliminated the pattern monkeys, it is still impossible to get a realistic spread off a conventional break. (9 ball is a little better, but 8 Ball is still sub standard)

2)  In official 8 and 9 ball rules, a legal shot must drive either the target ball or the cue ball to a rail. This INCLUDES shots in which the cue ball is first banked off the rail (cushion). Currently one may bank the cue ball gently into a target ball without having to drive either to a rail. This for many, becomes an unrealistic defensive tactic not available in real pool.

3)  I noticed a recent change that needs to be undone. In the past, if a player "timed out" the ball remained where it was. This gave the opposing player the option to return the shot to the player that timed out in instances where the time out was unintentional. As it is now, the ball moves to the head spot, which eliminates the option of allowing play to continue as it was.

4)  The time out clock should be 90 seconds instead of 60. This would allow reasonable time for a quick potty or beverage break. Instead of requiring three succesive time outs to forfeit the game, change it to two. That way the longest one would have to wait for a player who intentionally fails to shoot would still be 3 minutes.

5)  Side spin would be an interesting addition, although my old billiards teacher use to tell me that 90% of all shots can be successfully made using just draw (backspin) or follow (top spin).

Suggestions ranging from the sublime to the grotesque with that lot.

1) Side spin...Mag hit the nail on the head, most shots can be made with top or bottom

2) High breaks...how about if you get a break over say 50, then it gets flagged and recorded for stats purposes

3) Mossy...Mute button (end of story)..well said

4) Yes you should nominate your colour in snooker (if you want to make it realistic

5) Mag...when have you ever seen a snooker/pool player nipping off to the throne or bringing back a cuppa mid-frame??..60 secs is long enough

6) The best idea is the option to pass shot and have the balls back to the original position

By the way...I think the game as it is is fantastic and we are splitting hairs in a way but I'm all for improvements


Billairds tournements

Heres another idea for FlyOrDie tournements ( billairds)

Tag Team

24 hours before the starting time for the tournement, players should register with a partener, at the end of the tournement the players with the most gathered points wins.
If anyone should cheat in anyway they should be disqualified and be banned from flyordie for 24 hours

well its not in much detail but you all get the picture
ppl r asking for side spin, 1 little thing about that, i doubt fod could make it, to as it is in real life, where the cue ball will curve, this is too complycated for this game, also ppl will start to hate the side spin cos it takes it off the intened line of the shot and therefore make it harder to pot.
ty matt :D
(ps i donno if it makes ne sense, but try to understand what im trying to say :)).
well if ppl dont like the side spin them ppl dont have 2 use it
The side spin will not knock the ball off the intended line it will move the ball left or right away from the action ball. Im not sure if it will be too hard i just hope not :)

Nice to see some good ideas being posted up here. Keep 'em coming!
One other suggestion no one has mentioned yet that I would like to make is about the size of the snooker table. 
I've seen some comments here of not being able to make high breaks cause the balls don't split well enough or they block the black ball. 
I think the main reason for that is the table being too small or should I say balls being too big. Anyone who knows how a real snooker table looks like will notice the difference especially when you look to the distance between the top cushion and the black ball and between the black and the red balls which is way too short making high breaks less likely. 
More room on the table for maneuvering the cueball and less chance of balls blocking each other would make higher breaks more likely. This doesn't mean it would make the game much easier cause the distance the balls travel would increase. This is not so bad in itself cause it also makes the probability of flukes smaller. You all know that on a real table flukes and scratches don't happen as often as here.  
Anyway I think these and other suggested changes would improve this game for sure.
Who knows I might even subscribe then.
I Would also like to see buttons to kick people out who come into the game.

YES ! thats the one i forget whirlwind. very good idea
i also agree. great point whirlwind , that would be a great thing to see 
....I heard some ppl say that most of shots can be made with fwd or back spin....yes, u can make ALL shots without any spin...but spins r used mostly for position 
 shot, and side spin would be a great improvement for all 3 games (8ball 9ball snooker).
The older players ought to have two attempts ever. ;)
First off ...Mr Bishi..I really like the idea of the boot button, but I can foresee problems with that. For instance, say you're in a game and someone comes in uninvited but is also the other players friend..And they start giving you a hard time...if you need both players to push that button,  well you know the other player won't do it so therefore it won't help. I would rather see the players be able to lock the rooms and only invite who they want in there. That way you can do what the site's designed for..."play pool"!!!!!

Thank you
Yours Truly Skyz...
1.bigger pockets in 8 and 9ball
2.smaller balls in snooker (relations like in reality)
3.no backspin should be possible if the cueball lies at 
  the rail
4.pockets round not angular
5.proper breaks should be possible in 8ball
7.as new game: "Karambol" (on german)- two white and a red
  ball and a beginner modus with four balls. a better view
  would be required. sidespin indispensable

yes i think whirlwind made the best comment i made the comment about the high breaks about being 2 hard and he said snooker table is 2 small looks like the 8 ball table and the balls are 2 big which cover black(Y) besty coimment ive seen
thats wot i want bigger table smaller balls
I just want to thank  everyone who's supporting my suggestion. 
I hope FlyOrDie will read all these comments carefully cause many of them are interesting and they can only benefit the game for the players and for FlyOrDie too. The game is pretty good as it is but it can only be improved if you consider the opinions of all those who play billiards here, so keep those suggestions coming. Once again thanks guys!
Hopefully this topic will bring some useful changes.
1) There are only a few ever make a 147 break at real life snooker, FlyorDie seems quite realistic on that point.
2)Sidespin please that would be great.
3)Boot button when both players agree...just fine.
4)A real billiards game...2 whites, 1 red, no pockets, would be welcome.
5)A mod call button would be ok but only for subscribers otherwise the abuse of this would be too much, subscribers could be fined with a short ban for abusing it.
6)No backspin when the white is right on the cushion would be more realistic.
7)Touching ball could be made to work, with maybe a message to show this, more realistic.
8)Not allowed to play the break, in any game, off a cushion, otherwise foul shot.
9)Maybe a rethink of the current points system, high ranked (1000+) loose too many points each day and don't gain enough by playing 400 or 500 point players to keep their points. +-10 points per win/loss would be fine, maybe +-5 when the difference in rating is over 200 or so.

Thats it for now.

i didnt say there where alot of 147's but atleast they can happen it is very hard to get over 50 and most players wud back that up so do real life snbooker playa onli every so often get over 50?
MystiKal... I was referring only to the spread of the balls on the break. In 9 ball, you can get the balls pretty well scattered. Not so in 8 ball. What I would like to see in 8 ball is the possibility of getting a break where most of the balls don't remain clumped up.
who took my other reply off????  i didn't say anything for it to get deleted, Mr. Bishi can't handle any critisism towards neone, ull be gettin it all ur life, so will ur friends, so just take it and move on.....to magician, sorry for mis interpreting what you said, you're probably right because it's easier to break up 9 balls than 15, there still is a set break tho, where you take the cue ball and move it all the way to the bottom of the white line and click the first dot on the left side coushin and u get solids each time if you do it right, so flyordie wont be able to take away every set break but they've taken away a lot of them, good job on there part
I can handle criticism of anyone on here: providing it is constructive. The phrase 'ur outta ya mind' is not constructive. Therefore it was deleted. 

Why do ppl pick on bishi? leave him alone hes a cool guy :)
the older players ( from 40 up ) ought to have path lines :d

1)I think that FOD should make a three player eightball game, where there are three sets of balls:1-5,6-10,11-15.Then each player gets a set and they hit the others in. Which ever player has balls left wins!  It is a great game.
2)Add Kick button- Becuase if both players dont want to then one can just mute the visitor but the option is good.
How about this: in 9ball have the older player only to go to 7? :)
High Break table would be cool!!  :D
stop ppl from leaving game concede button is a improvement but ppl can still use the lobby button if u r on a break and they ant a well known player the good players stay but most go
1. how about a mixture of fun tables a local pub near mine has a L shaped table its great to play one even better when other person is snookered around the corner lol and mayby even a trick shot table? tanx got exrta worlds so how about extra tables??

2. diffrent colours cloth for 8ball and 9 ball tables eg red, blue 

also the points being taken per day while non subscribers have 2 count on winning the lotto. ive lost loads already (pretty unfair on the non subscribers)yea some might never subscribe but some like myself who r thinking about paying are losing out

now that method of payments are made easier ill prob wait and se what changes are made before subscribeing

some good ideas so far from other posts. cant wait to see what changes will be made.
I ahve not read all of the posts on this topic so i don't know if my ideas have already been stated but il say mine since i got the chance anyway...

- Side spin is a must (that would be the best feature!)
- Bigger table or smaller balls for snooker.
- Maybe a power bar because sometimes when i personaly  shoot it goes much harder or not as far as i intened.
- Jump shots ... it would be nice to be able to do them.
- Anotherone for snooke ... re-takes e.g if your oppent is snookered and misses then you can make them re-take it again from the same spot 
- Nominate colours ... say your snookered on a colour like real snooker you should nominate.

Well thats about it but my fav would have to be spin please flyordie let us have side spin.

Thank You

[blue1 head-admin]
Hello,i think that game with its recent properties is very nice and especially good for practicing for real game,adding side spin is something to think twice i think,it may make the game more complex and it will take more time for 1 player to decide the right spin,and the tempo will decrease,now its simple and very pure game with only top and back spins,i can easily say that my real game has improved too much with playing this game because of its pureness,in real game i am now aiming more proper and i am seeing side spins as extra and my control has improved too much,this game is a real teacher for real pocket billards with this recent spins,but if french billiard(3 ball) will exist side spins would be vital,have ggs all..
its near impossible to stun the ball this would be a useful adddition
ID like to be able to make the cue jump over balls:D (cue height  

Side spin

ANd to get / lose points for playin ppl wit no points.(they gain/lose nothin) No offense to FOD but there's not many ppl wit a rating in fod.The amount won/lost for the subscriber i think shud be 10:D jus a suggestion:D
i think they should make it, that when a colour ball (in snooker) has it's spot covered up by another ball, dont put it as nere as u can to that colour spot, just do it like real life put it on the higest availible spot, cos other wise it f*ck's up ur position on the next shot and f*ck's up other balls when it shouldn't 
ty Matt 
Horrible Grammer but u get point;)
If ne1 knows what the game ROTATION is that be a good game for here:) The more games the more I love Billiards

                    THE DUCK
1)Well i think side spin of the cue ball is a great idea but i think this means changing the complete physics of the game meaning lots of work for flyordie but there programers right so it shouldent be such a problem
2) In snooker u should have to nominate a colour ball not just go for the colour because if u snoooker yourself and u cant see a colour ball then u have a bigger target of balls if u dont have the nomanation feature, these r offical rules.
3) the size of a pool table compared to a snooker table is alot, so why not implament a feature where the snooker table is bigger than the pool table.most bar table r like 7x4 and snooker table is like 13x6 or 7.

as mossy said earlier....

delete old accounts which havnt been used for say 60 days
I htink you should have to call the 9 ball. And in 8 ball call the 8.
I think we should be able to have a new buddy system so there would be a box and when your buddy signed on it will be there.sorta like a messenger.for example if u were in the middle of a game and ur friend just signed in the name would be in the box so u could see.its a much better way to have buddies
the balls are still bigger than in reality. please induct the real relations so far it is possible.
here's my idea, I don't know if it had been said yet:
8-ball ball rack: Whenever you want to know who's in the lead in 8-ball, you have to switch it to 2d and count the balls.  A ball rack or shots made counter should be made or something.

On the idea about unexpected players coming into the room. I don't know if anyone has hit on this, but maybe be able to make the room private, or an open room. Another thing I was thinking about not related to this is a player search feature on the site. Sometimes people come on here to play a certain person, and with all the rooms and chaos, this is hard to do. Just maybe a little search to show which players are online. 
1. possible table measurement changes, from the 8 and 9 ball table size, to the proper snooker table size.
2. maybe different cue's?
3. different table colors

here is a link to some table measurements:


I agree with Mr Nishi totally, and SP too,

          cya ₪ ЯắPŦǑR ₪ :>

I started reading this thread and I see alot of request for side spin.Is this not what fine aim is for?I use it on a regular basis ....and though it is not exactly realistic...It is side spin and it is a game.
Different colored felts would be cool.
Shot calls in snook would be great!!!!!
As far as point system goes I do feel it is not fair for high ranking players...they lose more points when they dont play every day!Maybe there should be a lomger time frame before point loss.I can not say 2 much about that,as I am not a paying member.....(yet)Lets see how the changes do first!!!!!!!!Oh well....I'll keep readin.....And if the cue ball breaks a window from ur wild break you pay for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lmao        

              Thanks for a wonerful time waster,           tattoou2 a.k.a ?
Fine Aim is not side spin. Fine Aim is fine aim.. Side Spin would put english on the cue ball for hard to reach balls like off the rail, or to masse around into the target that you're aiming for. Don't know if that made sence.. but that's how I see it. 
I would like to see the spots on the sides of the tables in three dimensional as well as two dimensional view.  This would make bank shots more like they really are.  There are "dead bank" shots that are almost automatic on a real table because you can see the dots, but are much more of an adventure in here...lol.

Hi all,
Just a suggestion. I seem to be having problems with some individual people whilst playing. Would it be possible to have a button in a room witch alarms a mod? Maybe a little dot goes beside your name whilst playing then the mod that is in the lobby will see it then come to the rescue. :D

Another suggestion. Would it be possible to have a break counter on the players info only for subscribers of course?:p then we'll have less of these imaginative people. :p

I can't challenge and i can't accept a challenge. Which are the problem? (8 balls)
And the other players see my name but they can't see my words in chat!

Help me boys!
Oh well, I think it is a shame that FlyorDie didn't seem to read this thread before they decided to make a few new changes.
There were a lot of good suggestions here.


> Right then. We've had a few people over the weeks
> asking for changes to be made to the current code,
> and some of them have been pretty good ideas. I've
> started the ball rolling with something I'd like to
> see in billiards. Feel free to add your own
> comments/ideas.
> Sensible ideas and requests only please. Anything
> silly 
 be deleted.
Boot button in rooms

> I find it increasingly annoying when someone comes
> into a game unnanounced just to hassle you or your
> opponent. I'd like to see a feature in the rooms that
> allows spectators to be kicked from that room.
> Something along the lines of highlighting that
> individuals name and pressing a button on the screen
> (like the mute button). If both players do the same
> thing, that spectator gets sent back to the lobby.

id like to see  is a change in the way the ratings work like if a player has 700 points most likely he / she wont play a player with 100 points so y not have a wager buton where the person with 100 points can offer the same amount of points win or lose they both leave (:). the way its at now all i c is refuse refuse refuse lol no wonder theres alot of swearing in lobby .
good second idea arcade....

I play in pogo at times and enjoy the fact you have the option to keep your room private or open.
how about lettin non-subs challenge subs
Making this site better? how about starting with the players themself? If they behave, there is no need for a boot button or whatever u call that. How come they dont behave? I think its becos they got too many nicknames. When they get angry(the most common reason herefor is becos they lose) , they'll let themself freak out, cos they know they can hide behind their other nicknames. What i'm offering is to delete all nicknames that hasnt been used for 1 month or more. As soon people know that other players can recognise them, cos their nicknames are limited. Ive read the replies above. Some of them are realisable and some of them are not. But I'm happy with the technical things as it is now. Its just that there r a couple of players who r spoiling it for everyone.
ok flyordie i think it would be alot better if in 8ball when we pot 1 of each colour we should be able to choose instead of automatically puttin us on stripes

Thanks Tommy. I just want them all in one place so I can do something with them: something good hopefully. ;)
There can be some program-players ,such that,playing against them will be playing against computer;for 8 ball ,they can be named as: X15,X14,X13,...,X1 or ,fod15,fod14..fod1;each one will belong to its class,and will play all the players in the class in a row; this may bring the conscious of improvement to the game or to the room
Do any of you mods or the makers (if they are reading this) are working on these great ideas? so far i havent heard from anyone so this would be good to no
Bump. LOL Stole off Bishi :D
lmfao Don.....i want BUMP too!!!!

The biggest improvement i can think off is simple 
sort your server out

for the last couple of weeks its been up n down more often than a lift 
also you ever notice ur usually in a game when it does go down and boots you out of the room so u lose ur points :( i must of lost well over 100 in the last 2 weeks just cause of the server.

some of us pay to play this game and we cant even do that now
 we pay for a set period of time (ie.4 months or a year) and with all these shut downs of the server we must of lost a few days worth of playing by now:(


aka Pot

mossdawg  u ever heard of full stop or comma ?
try using some :p

jester u smoking the funny ciggies again?.  what was that meant to mean ????

i think this would be gr8....when u click info on subscriber we should be able to see his record in all games  (eg. 8ball,9ball,snooker)  not just wot they r playing at the moment.  just me trying to think :p
Yes this is a good topic here. 1.If you happen to mute someone becuase of harrassment, the next time u log in that person can bug u all over again. Make the mute permanent. 2. In 8 ball, some of these sloppers wak the 8 ball 15 rails and it goes in, whats this?? Make em call the shot(something like which pocket and how many rails)3.I think you should be able to lock the room you're playing in if you want to, that eliminates the trouble. Of course moderators shouldn't be locked out, but flyordie has that ability I'm sure. Mute is good for lobby, but even muted people can see what u type. I think this would take care of the problem. A room password or something. I'll  come back with more later. Acuestick
Hi,i think the practice mode should be improved;ther can be: an item to move all of the balls when we want and,also to take a ball out side of table or take it on,playing practice with game options s not good practice
when its foul,white in hand,sometimes a point on table that we may want to carry white,is closed,covered with other balls,we cant move the white there,in real we take it,take over them and do what we want.
I would like to see sidespin, just to increase to a higher level of difficulty and accuracy. Plus this would mean that you could plan shots better and get better breaks. What about a bigger table too? I do get annoyed when you play for the black to also go into the reds and your left with nothing. 
I think the pool game we play needs something new and thats side spins for sure,how long will it go like this,8 ball and 9 ball becoming so monoton and snooker,no one will manage 147 break.Please dear fod,lets hurry,if there will be side spins,pique,masse,jump etc..i would subscribe fo life time.
lol wow isnt this an old topic. who brought this up again? fod never listened to this topic when it was first created so i dont they will now.
hmm what happened to bishi? did he get his mod status taking away for being so rude? lol
Bump. Just to show that the suggestions bit has been done all before. And to bring back momentarily the legend that is Bishi.
Ive got a suggestion which i know everyone should agree on :p

I Think in the FlyorDie toruney's the first 3 people should get V.I.P :| 

Post votes :p

Boot Button? Hmm Maybe a 'Lock Room' Button? I know yahoo! pool has this feature...

Sidespin would prolly change the program alot , boot button unnecessary , if u change the breaks so the balls spread more then it takes TACTICS out of the game , and i wouldn't be adding to much to it now bushi cause the site lags enough as it is :) but definately get rid of names that aint been used in over 60 days ;)
Hi everyone most of u know me as billytk or max

I just have a few basic suggestions as i already enjoy the game very much

1) can we please have spots on the table for the colours so that we can judge where they will be replaced

2) can we have an offer draw icon ........both players agree for a draw....how many times has some1 jawed the black in corner pocket then spent 30 pins tappin all the reds in the corner

3)i really do like the angles very much or i did...can you please stop changing them so often
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