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What are You Like in Real Life?
What are You Like in Real Life?
What are You Like in Real Life?
The people of Larkinor interact with each other on a daily basis - stealing and robbing from one another, fighting, trading on the market, working together in the TA effort, etc. etc.  And yet we know so little about each other!  So this thread is for everyone to tell a little something about  the person they are in real life.

As for me, I'm a 19 year old female and I go to college at University of Louisiana at Monroe.  I WAS majoring in Biology, except now I've realized I hate Biology.  So I'm thinking of going into business.  I'm a senator on the Student Government Association and I'm in the school's Honors Program.  I have 2 older half-siblings and one older brother.  I recently discovered my bro is gay, which kinda upset me a lot.  But now I'm getting used to it, and I still love him.  I have like 60 chihuahuas and my favorite TV show is Family Guy.  I love Louisiana cause we have the best food! 
Another Louisiana native...
My name is Kelli.  I'm 32 and live in New Orleans.  Was hard and heavy into Larkinor until that little Hurricane hit in 2005.  You might have heard about Katrina. (wink)  Since then, I get my clicks when I can, as I'm always trying to improve the mess I made with my characters.  
Louisiana does have the best food.  One of these days I'll have a big seafood boil at my house and all of my Larki-family will be invited!!
I have never posted in this thread before.  So I thought I would let you in on all the secrets that are Jag.

My real name is....wouldnt you like to know?  Most of my friends in real life call me Jag and probably do not know my real name.  I like it that way as this name has much more meaning to me.

As far as me personally, I am pretty easy going.  I dont let too much bother me and do not tolerate much junk from other people.  Just keep on keeping on.

Really there is not much more than that.  If you want to know stop in chat sometime and ask.  I am usaully there.

Carson (Butch), 22 from Columbia, South Carolina.  Calhoun is the name of my 10 month old beagle.  National Guard (MP) and civilian-side I work for a wildlife consulting firm.  Recently married, first child due this fall.  Don't get quite as much Larki time as I used to now, but enough :)   Don't always say much in chat, but I like meeting new people and especially leeching off everyone else's Larki knowledge and experience.  
haha well i also have an old post here..i made it some weeks after i started playing larki which was more than 2 years ago so yeah  guess i should do some updates on my profile too :p
well i am 18 now i got one more year in school before going to university.not sure which one but i love drawing and history so it should be something connected with those two.last year i got my FCE and CAE for Cambridge and next week i ll try my luck at the final one-CPE so lol wish me gl :p next year i ll try with french too
well i live with my parents in Sofia,Bulgaria oh and with my cat Charly
My sister got married 2 years ago and shes expecting her first baby sometimes in September :)
my fav tv show has to be south park :p tho family guy works too :p haha ...ok ok and LOST the 3d season is reaaaaaally good!
like many of you know i m a big fan of Cosmos ]:) :d <winks at lusha kitty and katie
i also love traveling very very very much :p
what else what else....hmm well i ll add something later :p...i still think the post is a really good idea
well thats it for now
I've never done one of these...Maybe I should.

Well, my name is Chris and right now I'm 14 living in Alabama (puts up index and pinky finger). I'm going into school as a freshman next year, which is 9th grade in case you didn't know. I've got 1 sibling, my sister, and we really don't get along well. I'm obsessed with wrestling, I watch it, I do it, I eat it, I sleep it. Everything. 

Just to plug myself, I'm 5'11, 195 lbs and I play basketball and (of course) wrestle. I'm sort of a computer whiz but I tend to stay away from bragging about it. I'll try most anything at least once and sometimes that'll end up in me getting hurt. I can play acoustic, bass, and electric guitar. I own practically every game console made and near 1000 video games to perfect my hand-eye coordination. 

I've been coming to Larkinor for 3 (recorded) years, but I would bet longer than that. Larkinor was my life last year, until I slowly tuned it out. But now I'm back again, although everyone seems to be better now.
The #1 player addicted to Larki?... couldn't be!

Time for me to introduce myself yet?  The thing is most of you already know me but here is a bit of information anyway.  I am a 34 year old single Canadian mom of two (one girl 12 and one boy 6).  I am going back to school in Sept to become a nurse as I did not get a career before I had my kids (to be honest I did not know what I wanted to do).  I am completely addicted to larki and not sure what I am gonna do come September.....they better schedule some larki time in for me at school :P.  I love to go quading especially if there are a lot of mud puddles around (yes I realize this labels me as tomboyish and it would be a pretty accurate label :)).  Anything else you want to know? 

Right well I also have an old post in this thread but it has been at least a year and a bit (maybe even two) so think it might be interesting to update it a little.
I'm an 18 year old girl living in Wales (in a small town), I have 3 siblings (roughly my age) and I live with my Dad. 
I study art and design as most of you will know, and have come to the end of my final year (in my 2 year course) however am staying on for a further year aka a pre degree foundation. Not sure which University I want to go to but hopefully will have a better idea in the coming year. I really love drawing and still plan on doing a couple more drawings for larki because I shall now have some free time over the holiday (aside from work). 
I plan on going down the "Graphics Designer/illustrator" career path since that is what I feel I am strong at. Just hope that all goes to plan.
Also got me another Nick-also known as MaggotyNoo for the people who only just know me.

Anyway, nuff bout me


Nic I prefer the name nic for u lol, too used to it now:P
I'm sure that you've all slowly gathered information about me... this is just to confirm what you may know.

14 years old.
Computer / programming fanatic. 
Loves sport (but is no good at it).

Originated in England.
Moved to France about 2 years ago - can speak french fluently. 
Currently doing a 2-month exchange in germany... am working on speaking german fluently :D.
Have done a bit of spanish and latin in school.

I actually play Rugby :p doesn't really go well with my skinny frame, but it's fun. My biggest physical advantage, is however much I eat (and I even impressed Germans by how much I ate :D), I NEVER put on weight. Honestly. To die for, innit?

Hobbies... Programming, Sports, Programming, Trivia, Programming, Playing music (clarinet & piano), programming, watching movies, programming, and programming.
Oh and I like programming too :D.

I spend far too much time on the computer... and am paying for it with my eyesight :( (already).

I am the most beautiful, funny, interesting, nice, cool guy that you have ever met! (You can choose what to believe ;).

Wow; I've never met most of the people in this thing, granted I don't go into chat that often, but...

All right, I'm 23, female, and from CA.  I have a BA in German Studies (hence the German names on my chars), and a BS in Aeronautics and Astronautics. 

I'm currently jobless (though if anyone is interested in offering me a job in aerospace, let me know), but I have a summer job that starts in two weeks (so after writing this, I won't be able to play/come into chat for most of the summer anyways).

I have one sister who doesn't understand why I enjoy this game (in fact, most of the people I've talked to in RL don't understand why I like this game :( ).  Um...I have a cat, his name is Lok (little orange kitty, though he's not really little anymore, sigh).

I like reading good fantasy/science fiction, watching those genres on tv (so few good shows though), and of course playing Larkinor.

So I guess now I won't be quite the enigmatic, silent person in chat.
We were talking about this thread in chat, and I have also seen this post around, I think it is time I introduced myself a bit as well.:)

My name is Balázs. So far no one who is or was not aquainted with the hungarian language could pronounce it properly.:D I don't mind that at all, I've heard everything from Ball through "hey, you over there" to non-tolerated-on-forum phrases already.:) However, I thought it'd be more simple of creating a name anyone can remember and say out without difficulties.:) Nicram stuck to me after a little game with our surnames with mates. Surprisingly simple as it came, I am now referred to by this name in various places.

I am currently 21 years old, and live in Hungary. Not always was this so: between the age of 3 and 8 I lived in the States. English was the first language I picked up, and up to date I speak it more fluently than my mother-tongue of hungarian. Besides these two main languages, I'm studying german and french, and getting good progress. Later on I might want to extend my language-arsenal. 

At the moment, I am a 3rd-year student, getting my bachelor's degree in Business Administration, and for the next two years to come, I would like to achieve a master's level in this field. As enthusiastic as I may sound, I chose this university life and future after a shattered dream to become an air force pilot. My eyesight wasn't optimal, although it was and still is only slightly worse than perfect. I prepared all my life for the career on a jet: military and civilian aircraft in any form are still one of my greatest hobbies(mainly those after the second world war), and having between 8-16 flights a year also reinforces this dream. Although a dream, one day I might grow up to own a smaller plane, I'd be happy with that too by now.

What else...I love Scotland. Partially of course because we get to _fly_ there(;)) and see the RAF practising above our heads, but mainly because I got to know some great people there, and there's always something to do-even though many Scots say it's a boring country. NEVER!:D
...And most importantly, because of my family. My little sister lives with my dad in England, and it is always a great reunion of the clan when the two brothers and sister meet up for a wonderful time. My brother and sister are the two most important people in my life, I would fight for them in any case to the death and beyond.

Finally, sports(goota look cool rofl:D)...I used to swim earlier, a regular competitor in competitions. Freestyle was my strength, I sacrificed my breaststroke for it though...:) Nowadays I changed sports, and besides going to a gym, I prefer a sport considered more aggressive but many, although I'd say it strengthens one's spirit and willpower a lot more than the body itself...although the latter is pushed to the limits, too.:) I enjoy the thrills of kickboxing, and try to get mates to join the sport.:) It's like me, kind of not like doing things alone. 

I also like to hang out with friends, who come in a wide variety. Since I don't have a particular taste in music, it's not surprising how my closest friends all belong to different music groups: one's a rocker listening to Dragon Force, the other's a rapper booming 50 cent lyrics, while the third loves hanging out in a techno party. I'm okay anywhere, I listen to anything.:) When there's no music on, no friends around, and no training to be done, I chill out at home, probably reading a book or newspaper, whatch TV...or write posts on a specific forum, or chat with the players of a game I'm very fond of.;) It's a pleasure being here, coming here on the days I do, and just knowing you people are around keeps me around.;) 

I'm sure I missed about 95% I could have written about...But for now, this'll have to do.;)

alrighty i gotta do a new one...well interests havent really changed. love computers anything to do with em ill do it. a passive person most of the time,not big on meetin anyone anymore cause i dont know em. Lusha is the only one that has stuck around. Everyone thats been here for ages has sorta drifted away. 

Not much personal info i know but never really open to ppl where i dont know most of em.:s:$
hi all
my name is chris i'm 19 from cork ireland i read alot like all kinds of films and listen to all types of music and hoping to join the garda siochana(irish for guardians of peace)which is just the irish police force thats all i can tink off but feel free to quiz me here or in chat
My name is Trevor, male, 12, I stay at home alot but try to get out as much as I can. I juggle school, friends, and family. My favriote TV show is ed edd and eddy and fresh prince of bel-air. My favriote food is watermelon and steak. I like playing outdoor games such as football, soccer and nukem. I have 3 dogs named buster, oscar and gizzy.

Hi All,

My name is Christine and I live in New York state in America. I do not like the cold weather, so I stay in a lot (here that is about six months of the year). When it is warm I enjoy being in nature as much as possible, taking time to just sit there for a few hours and observe all of the amazing things that happen in a field or forest. I am 34 years old, married with 4 step-kids (none of my own kids), one boy who is 14 lives with us. My main business is that I am a face and body painter. After that, I work part-time at the library and part-time as a home health aid to a 91 year old woman who can't see. Along with that, I am an artist. I illustrate, sculpt and do pretty much any type of art I can get my hands on. I love to read and listen to books on tape too. I have lived in Pittsburgh PA, Germany, Los Angeles CA and the Slovak Republic. 

I really love fantasy and creating new creatures is one of my favorite things to do. I really like the creativity of the creatures in Larkinor, that is one of my favorite things about the game. I mean, a guy attacking me with his overbearing tongue! That is just hilarious.

I used to play Larkinor a lot afew years ago, but I got really mad that the owners did not respond to my multiple attempts to contact them and there were others things that annoyed me, so I stopped for quite awhile. Now it has been long enough for me to forget about the things that annoyed/angered me, so I have been playing again. :-)
My best to you all...
hmmm server is down and im bored , yay for forum :D

ok so my name is Casey, im a 20 yrs old male living in Colorado, i am currently not in school but plan on reatending in the fall, im going for my BS in Business Administration with an emphasis on marketing/advertising...and a minor in Spanish and Culinary arts.  i speak 3 languages fluently, spanish, english and typo-ese:p most the time im laid back and happy, the rest the time im so hyper im bouncing off the walls.  born and raised a southern gent, but i cant stay away from the powder(snow)...  lol and my favorite saying is"sticks and stones may break my bones, but Whips and Chains excite me :p",  welp thats my story and im sticking to it, hope to see you all around chat 
good idea :)

my real name is Jacob (as you all know)

i am a software writer for a small time company who is making a comeback, i am 16 currently going on 17 am a junior in HS (11th grade) and live in Louisville,KY USA

not really into goth but like the darkness :p most of my time spent is writing a new book or reading old ones...i do enjoy occasional cartoons too :p
38, Married, Male, live in California. Work as a Traffic School Instructor part-time, am earning my degree in Mathematics at a State school. I plan to teach high school as a second career. I'm also an avid motorcyclist and have been for 21 years. 

Here are some pictures of my current bikes



Let's see. I am currently in the field of advertising, have a girlfriend, am 27 and am expecting my first child in about half a year. I first found out about larkinor when someone was talking about it in the chess room(I am a fanatic of chess) and I decided to check it out. I currently live in Sacramento, CA in the USA. Not much else to say. My life gets boring sometimes. :p
After reading through so many of these, I feel ancient. ;^)

I'm 48, married, and work for SUN Microsystems.
I do a lot (and I do mean a lot) of debug work
on just about every microprocessor the company
makes. I'm one of those few people that still
writes assembly code. Just don't ask me to get 
technical, as it already drives my wife crazy...

I helped collaborate on a book on cryptography
last year, so forgive me if I toss in a cheap plug...


I'm number 6 on the acknowledgements page.

My wife and I raise Boston Terriers.

I do some woodturning and also some amateur
capentry in what little spare time I do have.

I've been a gamer since high school when I used to
get together with friends to play SSI board games.
Larkinor is a great way to spend some spare time
at work when I'm not banging out code...

Well i might as well add to this thread since i havent before... 

My RL name is Aaron Isaac...I just turned 23 yrs old.  I have a wonderful wife of 2 years, and 3 children.  I am 100% native american (anyone that has PvP'ed me probably has noticed the pic).  I live in Michigan, and live an active lifestyle.  I love the game of basketball, to play and watch.  Im pretty good at all sports.  Listen to about all music or at least tolerate them all, but my favorites would have to be R&B, jazz, hip hop, and classical.  I have an office job that is my nine to five so nothing really special to talk of there.  Other than that im pretty normal.

-AA [img=

I'm Sarah, 35 yr's old and a Dental Nurse living in the West Midlands, England. I'm a roleplayer, both table top and live roleplay, an artist and writer in my spare time and also do falconry and archery. I used to do a lot of online gaming but realised it was stealing my life so got rid of them all except Larkinor. (The click limits been I have to stop at some point!) ;o)

i.m a 19 year old male from holland
and i finish my collece

i like to mete new pepole
and that go's well
in the chatroom
Lmik I think I am in love with you.

I am also from New Zealand but am 34 and a chocolate maker.  I have a bit of an issue with 15 year olds saying that their parents were hippies - surely all the hippies were dead or accountants by the 1990's? - Even in New Zealand?
I'm Rosalea Eternity *****, from New Zealand and I'm 15.  I live with my older sister Asphodelle (yes, our parents were hippies).  I get home schooled. Sis got me interested in larkinor because there are worse things to do online and it keeps me outa trouble. I also like reading, painting and music.  My sister is trying to teach me piano and singing but unfortunatly I suck at both.
> I couldn't be a dairy farmer because I just could NOT face the hours that are required. But I do know how to milk cows (and sheep and goats and horses).

LOL!! Maybe we could put you on the list for a relief milkers when we want to take vacations.

OK, I have to add to this since I am .... 43 for a few more weeks, live in Maryland, grew up on a farm, and plan on retiring FAR from where I live now to get away from the urban spread......  I couldn't be a dairy farmer because I just could NOT face the hours that are required.  But I do know how to milk cows (and sheep and goats and horses).
In interest of a comment on another post I felt it was prudent to bring this topic forward again.

I am 43, female, single on paper but obligated to my male counterpart in life.

Computer operator by night, dairy farmer(owner/operator) by day. 

Have 3 kids, 2 grown and gone on thier own, one still at home. 

Currently residing in Northeastern, Pennsylvania, USA. Looking to move more northwardly though by the end of the year as city sprawl comes closer to our farm and kills the lifestyle we love.

Not much else to tell really. Just doing life one day at a time.
good topic.  now i wanna know what you all look like. pictures people!

28/2kids/married(sometimes) 5'11" 180lbs. when i am not at work, or spending time with my boys, or in school, or on a call, i am in the gym. i live in the great state of texas. i went to school to be a commercial diver/diver medic in los angeles in 98. while in school i realized i didn't want to live on an oil rig in the middle of the ocean. so i finished school(racking up huge tuition bills) and joined the USMC(R). i am now an EMT and volunteer firefighter for my town. i currently started back to school now pursuing a nursing degree(not too much longer). 
i currently working as a contracter at a government building but have dabbled in the brokerage industry working trading desks and filling customer service roles.

P.S. You may also see me as:
Hello everyone! 

Ok Hmmm where to start...
My fist name is Noah, I just turned 20. I'm an American and I love talking to all the overseas chaps in chat(you know who you are..I too am a corporate slave for the man..I work for a hospital. When I'm not working there I run ShowBiz Management Company. Its a "any and all business" company in the music industry. I also attend college online temporarily until I move cities. I double major in Entertainment Business and Recording Arts. I love music obviously...but I also enjoy wakeboarding, snowboarding (I live in CO), Fast street bikes (I ride a Dicatti 999),Dancing, Drinking, Camping, Hiking, Going to the Gym, excellent French and Italian food, and recently WORLD CUP soccer(or futbol for everyone else)..Anyway, I love competition and lead a healthy, overactive lifestyle so I don’t get to play much unless I’m working overnight. 
Cool...well good Idea FreddyPoo!! Look forward to seeing you all in chat! 
Hi Everyone,

I'm Duncan 44 years old. English & Irish nationality. Wife is French and we have 2 daughters (11 & 4) 1 son (8). Living and working in Germany.
Hobbies: Wine tasting/food & cooking. Diving. Advanced Reef keeping. Gardening. Wildlife watching. Travel. Hiking, Cycling & Golf.
Huge thanks to all those who support Larkinor with the hard work they do on their websites, advice in chat and forum, Mod's etc. Much appreciated.
Howdy everyone my name is Tim, 39 from the sunshine state. Maried with 2 kids. Right now I am a 911 operator but about to change jobs as the stress is just a bit much. I only have 1 hobby and its larkinor, tho I'm not very knowlegable about it. 

Its nice to see such a wide group of people that play here and its nice to know a little about who everyone is

I'm 22; just got my bachelor's in bioengineering. I've been playing larki for a few years off and on.  Trying to get my sub's worth before I start medschool in fall.  Love to read; not much of a writer though.  Like hanging out in chat but not much of a talker.  :-P

Im 14 and i just play this game on my own spare time.I is just gettin 2 9th grade and luvin my summer vacation. i'm just your ordinary teen that goes 2 group therapy every daY CAUSE I CANT HANDLE LIFE but hey i'm learnin coping skills and lookin forward 2 a future of success so i'm keepin my head up and my dreams alive.I hope that 1 day i'll build military weapons 4 the u.s and have physics, french,chinese, japanese,spanish,and art as majors in college.                            
                                             holla back, 
                                           Skilled sista
My name is Phil and I am pushing 60 hard.  I live in SE Michigan and I have run my own hydraulics and pnumatics business for 26 years.  RL stuff includes traditional archery where I make most of my own equipment and shoot nationally, usually second indoors (one guy I have yet to best) and 4th to 7th outdoors, and coach JOAD as a level 2. I helped setup a friends basement and house to play LAN games with as many as 26 and we play about once a month.  I have built from scratch a geodesic dome structure for a place in northren Mich but still like camping with the CJ-7.  Other fun things I do are gardening, cooking, design turbo systems for ORV mainly Jeeps, read a lot fast and type slow, like most music except most country and rap, and currently working on learning to play a 250 yr old German flute.  I never finished college but I still take classes that are interesting - latest were fencing and ASL.  It's good to see that I'm not the only antique enjoing this game.
I am 24 years old, and just moved from Richmond, VA, USA last September.  I used to be the foreman for a small hands-on demolition crew of 10 guys there.  I met a handsome man and, I guess you could say, fell in love at first sight.  We moved here, to Medford, Oregon, together.  I took a job at a small civil engineering firm just north of Medford.  I went to college for massage therapy, but didn't end up using it for very long.  Now I work on AutoCAD all day, and didn't go to school for it.  Imagine...the road you're driving down or the storm drainage system that serves you may have been designed by someone like me.  It's sad.  But I'm getting better.  I hate working at a desk and I'm getting fat.  Everyday at lunch I sit here and play Larki.  I look over at my co-worker, the boss' son, this a****** that beats his Russian mail-order bride.  And I know this is stupid, but looking back at my screen and the things ya'll say makes me feel better about life.  Okay well there it is.
I like reading about ya'll.  I don't hang out with anyone except my boyfriend anymore, but ya'll are a group of friends that's here all the time.  Thanks.
Oh yeah I'm gonna subscribe soon!  I worked it into my budget!  WHOO HOO!!!! :)
I am 30 years old, my name is Patrick.  I have 3 kids Daughter 5, Son 4 and son 1.  I live in Queen Creek Arizona (suburb of Phoenix). Currently work in the IT field but I am attending school to get a BA in business. Don't watch a lot of TV but I do like "House" and "Bones". Like all kinds of music but primarily listen to Country, rock and alternative.

Good post...very interesting ;)
that's interesting lysiniau, my dad had shrapnel from a grenade go into his shoulder (I think) and he was E-5 when he left from Veitnam.
         Anyway, I'm an eleven year old boy named Thomas from Oregon, USA. I have a brother at college and a sister who ran away. also have  two pets, a very old dog named Sage and a cat who doesn't really have a name (we call her "Kitty").I'm completly CRAZY about video games! I have Nintendo DS, Game Cube, and GBA SP, plus I play Larkinor too. Recently found i like a board game called MageKnights and get a book report EVERY MONTH from my evil 5th grade teacher. I hope that isn't too much :)


Well lets see my name is shane and i live in a little country called New Zealand,i am going to hopefully start a certificate in tefl(teaching english as a foreign language)i plan to do a 1 year course i will then go to shanghai and get 2 years teaching experience.looking forward to it.I will then return to New Zealand and do my bachelor.I am not sure what i will do then.ok that is my next 6 years time to introduce myself.I am a friendly person who loves to make new friends,really enjoy helping people with english who are learning it as a second language,anime,videogames (rpgs,fps games in particular)chatting on msn
braves--agree with you on ATHF and love all those adult swim programs--anyone who hasn't checked these out, should.  Favourite is Venture Brothers.  Sunday nights on the cartoon network--states only I believe but available on DVD.
i may take your offer on food but when it comes to partying pittsburgh takes the cake
Most players don't know me very well, but I usually hang out in chat.  Been playing Lark off and on since 2003.  I'm 37 years old, married with two daughters.  I've been serving the United States for eighteen years now with the Army.  I can see the light of retirement getting brighter.  As far as hobbies, I spend most of my time with my girls, my two Akitas, oh and clickin away in Larkinor. My nickname comes from a very close friend of mine who is a Marine.

Your life is very impressive lyn.  

Braves, if you ever want some good food, come to Louisiana.  We may be behind in everything else, but in food, culture, and partying, we rule!
as for me im 18 male just got outta high school. Fav. show is fanily guy and aqua team hunger force. Im tring to go to college for computer repair or computer tech. I live in pittsburgh its a great town but not the best food. My fav sports teams are braves, steelers, and avelanche. Right now i work for adults with mental disabilitys, yea i like it. What i do is i bathe them, feed them, care for them, and entertain them. right now i just want to have a little funbefore college.
By request of Freddy: Male 55 4'6" 1540
Twin by birth.
I am a medically retired USMC Captain. 
Can Do Code in visual basic am an electronics engineer.
Lost my legs at the knees in Vietnam.(reason I am only 4'6")
Not gay just don't have any use for women. (except one)
Anyway I basically live either with my Brother Jaird (my Twin) or alone in a 20 acre estate Well guarded by FBI Secret Service And who knows all else....

Jaird is The Grunt of the family having only made Gunnery Seargent In the Marines.
He is also one of americans Heros of Vietnam. having won the Bronze star. (all I got was a purple heart and a pension.)
He Saved my life when I lost my legs.
Also saved Ten Medics that went Down in a chopper over the Cambodian Border.
Other than that I am normal and so is he. 

Lysiniau and Jaird

Oh we do like Games!! 

Honor Before death!

I am 
13 yrs old girl.
 I've done 6th with 100%(this is not a brag). I am from Croatia. I like to read. My favourite books are 
"Little prince"
"The Lord of the Rings"
"Memory, Sorrow an Thorn"
 and almoust everything of 
Ephraim Kishon
. I learn english for two years, and i think i know how to talk english much better that i shoud with only 2 yrs of it. My favourite subject is History. I have one sister, and she can be REALLY annoying. she is mad about soap-operas. I don't watch them. My favoute movie is 
 I listen to the classic music, jazz, blues, bossanova and rock. My favourite singer is 
Caetano Veloso.
 He is simply great! I can be very sarcastic, but i try to control myself :). I forgot to say, my real name is 
, and my e-mail is 
I would like to see more people from chat talking about themselves here :)
With all these so called writers on here I can't believe we don't have a larkinor role-playing thread.  What better way to take our geekiness to the next level.  But, if we need a DM I call "Not it!"
I soooooooo don't believe you LD. That sounds just too fantastical to be true. :p
I was a fashion model until the birth of my third child when it became too difficlt to leave the kids all the time and travel around the world.  I then became a translator for the United Nations in New York.  I could take the kids with or work at home.  After the birth of the triplets that also became too difficult.  The CIA tried to recruit me but again the travel difficulties interfered.
I now play Larki and write racy Romance Novels when the kids are asleep.
well i'm a little late but here goes... i am nearly 30 (oh god!!) and as with most of you i have an undergraduate degree in biology and then went on to study physiotherapy (or physical therapy for you yankees!).  I discovered larki during my maternity leave one year ago (she slept alot and i was really bored!) and have loved it ever since-much to the ridicule of my husband and friends as i am barely able to turn on a computer in real life!  see you all in larki
Further to previuous question. yes i can write and i love reading. Common fact with my friends is that if a picture painted a thousands words i'd rather write the thousand words lol. :) Only thing i find hard is character names atm but im gettin good with that now. Also for budding readers just read the dav vinci code by dan brown. WOW that is one good book.
I like this post!
I'm a 12 year old girl and I'm from Germany.
I go to 6th grade and I love math!
My dad is Dolphin of Blue.


Always hanging around
Ok, I thought it was time for an "oldie but goodie" to sign in here.
I have been playing Larki for a while.  Had no idea what I was doing for a long time so my chars are a mess.  I just played to have fun.
In RL I am an optician, mom, and wife.  Won't give my age here but I have been and optician 11 yrs, a mom for 29, and a wife for 31.  I'd like to tell you I was 5 when I got married LOL.
One of the most satisfying things I do is with an organization called VOSH, voulenteer optometric serving humanity.  Check out VOSH.org.  We go all over the world doing free eye clinic and giving away glasses.  My last trip was in April to Merida, Mexico.  We also do free clinics closer to home.  I am in the Chicago area and this fall we did one at a homeless shelter.
Hmmm I forgot to mention I am also a sister.  No not THAT kind of sister.  As many of you know my RL brother is Ralph the Dog and also the lesser seen Campinut.  I am sure many of you will offer your sympathy now.
Middle English isnt too bad. I once took a class in old English that was interesting lol
I enjoy the story of Culwhch and Olwen.  It's far too long to quote, but it's an interesting read if you people ever have the time.

Gawain and the Green Knight is another of my favorites.  I took an English class this past semester focused entirely on different Arthurian legends.  That was an awesome class.  If any of you ever have a ridiculous amount of free-time on your hands, you should read 
The Complete Works
 by Sir Thomas Malory.  It's in Middle English, so it can be difficult to read at times, but definitely worth it.
And you wonder why I thought you were older?;)
My favorite ledgend is that of Prometheus.
"Prometheus first transmuted
 Atoms culled for human clay." -Horace

"Of Prometheus, how undaunted
      On Olympus' shining bastions
   His audacious foot he planted,
   Myths are told and songs are chanted,
      Full of promptings and suggestions.
" Beautiful is the tradition
      Of that flight through heavenly portals,
   The old classic superstition
   Of the theft and the transmission
      Of the fire of the Immortals." -Longfellow

" Thy godlike crime was to be kind,
      To render with thy precepts less
      The sum of human wretchedness,
   And strengthen man with his own mind." -Byron

Llance - can you write?  Drawing isn't the only way to elaborate on myths!  Try some retellings or something.
Llancelyn, for example look at this site...


Then type in search Katie Hone and you will get an example of some of my best artwork. I will be going to collage this September to take a national diploma in vocational Art and Design, I'm really looking forward.
Llancelyn, the pic called Monster Club prooves I like myths:)

well noodle it seems we share a common interest besides this great game. Only difference is i cant draw so i have to elaborate on myths and such mainly in my head :). always envied people who could draw though. they make it look so easy.....

as we ALL know I'm on my way to being a chef :) someday soon u'll turn ur tv on or open a paper and my face will be there... people have now dubbed me Beeker(From the muppets) not to sure why..well im tall n skinny like him and thats it.. who knows? right now i work in a plant making car seats for GM(General Motors) umm.. im Canadian eh! i thought i was ones of the first but maybe Bunz beat me to it.. not sure on that one..i duno wat else to tell ya?
My name is Annie (nickname), I'm 17. I will be a Senior next year thank gosh! I live in Kansas. I have lived in Alaska, New Mexico, and SouthDakota. I am planning on going to Wichita State University (Wichita Kansas). I am going to study archaeology. Like animals (not retiles though, especially snakes)
Whoa!  That's quite a collection.

And I saw something in there... They have tetrahedral ones???  I thought I was the first one to have that idea. :(
Now just to see if we can get an icosahedron to work...
I never thought of a career but I was always interested in Jurrasic Park as a kid when they uncover bones, I even considered Pathology (is that the right term?). Instead though I moved onto drawing bones, skeletons, monsters you name it. I love myths because you can come up with all sorts of weird and interesting creatures to draw and analyse.
Anyway I'm going off on one here, I've always been dead set to be an artist ever since I was old enough to draw and understand what my scribbles meant. :)
> Do you really have one of the largets collections in the world or was that just hyperbole?

Check it out here:


There are only about a half dozen larger private collections that I know of, and none of them are significantly so.

Those pictures are almost two years old now.  I have accumulated at least another 200 puzzles since then but I'm not going to bother taking new pictures until I update the display for my new house this fall.

If anyone has any interest in this topic, check out my "main" hobby website at: 


Thus far I have never actually succeeded in completing a Rubik's cube...though I've never really devote a lot of time to it either.  One of these days, I'm gonna have to get me one of those!
I'm a 15-year-old girl from Hong Kong
My name is Christy Chiang, hi guys
i've been playing this game for about a year
hi mr. mad :-)
sure there are a lot of places you should see. i think the best way is i give you my email you write me your emailadr. and i will send you some informations :-)
"I never heard of a 4x4x4 version though, curious to how that would complicate things."

Well, I wouldn't know 'cause I haven't ever tried it, but my friend can do the ordinary kind in under 40 seconds pretty consistently, but it takes him several minutes to do the 4x4x4.  He claims, though, that it was easier to learn how to do in the first place, though that's probably because he learned the 4x4x4 after mastering the other one.

I can say one thing, though - in an ordinary Rubik's cube, the centers of each face are all static... in a 4x4x4 this is clearly not the case, as there are no true centers.
Flambeau i was hoping you would post...

how good is shönbrunn i absolutly love it i used to run there 
everyday before i got injured i also trained at dusika stadium......
other then "prater" is there anything i need to go and see?

I have a friend who can solve any rubiks cube in 20 seconds or less. I never heard of a 4x4x4 version though, curious to how that would complicate things.

a very nice idea: i am 42 years old , male and live in austria (not in austraLia :-)) vienna. i am working as a projekt manager for the austrian televisoin (so i have time to play during my work :-))
a very nice and good idea to know something about the other players.
see you in larki
Hey noodle. Archeaology was always a big interest for me too. Am 17 now and still enjoy it but prob wouldnt consider it as a career unfortunately.
Um... that would be "largest" not "largets", although I'm sure that was evident anyway.
That's really interesting Sandy.  A friend of mine just got into the Rubik's Cube, and is working on his speed with the standard version and the 4x4x4 version based on algorithms he gets online.
I decided I wanted to try to solve it completely by myself before I'd look at any online algorithms, and very recently I bought a basic 3x3x3 and, after a couple of days, succeeded.  (OK, so I basically just used the "guess and check" method to make my own algorithms, but I'm still happy that I did it myself)
Anyway, it's a fun little gadget.  Do you really have one of the largets collections in the world or was that just hyperbole?
Im just a 15 yr old teenager surfer boy from south florida. And to answer any questions we DONT all have long blonde hair.
There's still some older players, that I for one, would like to hear from.  Take some time out from being awesome and come share with us some information about yourself! ;)
Mont, I assumed 30s or older (lol). Your knowledge of books and history struck me ass something a younger person would not be into (no offense to the younger people).
You sound like you know what you're doing Mont;) I admire you at that. I took History in School and was very interested although I don't imagine getting a job in it, although Archeology was always a main interest with me.
Always were and always will be wise Mont, I'll admit I thought you were older but not much;) maybe more 25-30.
Anyone ever think I never seemed 16, older younger?
Dracurs, I do creatures and weird monster things all the time, I did a project in Art for gargoyles, very interesting, keep at it:)
My area is Medieval Europe... Zhand how old did u think i was? and here is a little quote from Henry David Thoreau "A man is wise with the wisdom of his time only, and ignorant with its ignorance."
I'm a 20-year-old guy from Michigan.  I'm majoring in accounting; hard choice after two years.  I love to write stories and draw the creatures for them.  And I hope to be a Larkinorian for a long time.
Now this is funny, I always assumed you were older Monty due to your tone in chat and the forum.
Good for you Mont, what sort of Historian (I mean what exactly), I hope to become an artist since I love being creative:)
Good luck with your goal Mont;)
First yes i got on a computer :) Iam 21 male from eastern Canada.. I am working on becoming a historian.
GO BLUE!!!  For those of you who have never had the pleasure of going to PSU, State College PA is one of the best spots to go to school. I was their for 6.5 years so I should know :).
I normally shy away from these topics, but Zhang was the catalyst to my post.

I am 36, male, married, 1 step-son as old as most of you.  :)
I too am a gaduate of PSU (graphic design) have doing it full time for 15 years. Currently work for a large Safety Products Co. Also working on another BS degree in Industrial Design. Almost done (finally!). Work is paying for it, so not a bad deal. Maintaining a 4.0 GPA. Although it really cuts into family time and LQ time.

Started PSU as an Electrical Engineer, so I am probably the only Graphic Designer to take Engineering Physics, Chem and Calculus, LOL

Video game addict! PC - PS2 - X-box, you name it. I only had 1 psychology class years ago, but I think it's the result of never having them growing up.

Music preferences: Everything from Metallica to Mozart.

This is a good idea.

My name is Tony, I'm 35 living in Northeast Ohio, amrried with 2 kids. I work for an Energy Company during the day and have just started going for my MBA via an online college. I have a Petroleum Engineering degree from PSU and my music taste is usually 70s rock and 80s pop (but I really like Lou Rawls and Barry Manilow).

And contrary to my character name, I am not chineese :).
I'm Sandy, male, 32, Canadian, married, two kids.  By day I'm a corporate wage slave who is quite good at pretending to write software while playing Larkinor.  By night, I aspire to be a couch potato but luckily my kids won't have it.

Of note about me is that I have one of the larger Rubik's cube collections in the world.  I realize this is a fact which will automatically turn me into a major geek in the eyes of many, but I enjoy them too much to care.

BTW, I ditto the recommendation for Jethro Tull although I'd suggest starting with a greatest hits album.  The Aqualung album is a classic as a whole, but it isn't for everyone.


well i m jessica from Bulgaria,Europe
im 16 and im in high school now
i'm sudying french and english and i think a know them well:)
i love reading books,going to the cinema ,hanging out with friends....
i started playing larkinor 2 months ago 
i think that this topic was a great idea:):):)
i cant come up with anything else so...i ll stop for now:)
nice idea to ask about people.  as alot of people know, i am 63, retired, and living in michigan.  i worked most of my life as a medical technologist.  as such, i had to get a degree in biology and another in medical technology.  i also have a masters in botany and a technical degree as a system's analyst.  the last two degrees i never used, so i've forgotten everything i once knew. these days, i birdwatch, tend a garden, enjoy playing larkinor, and enjoy socializing.  rexyin8
Anyone else from litle old Bitain. Everyone seems to be from states or australia.... im all alone :'(
Nice idea and im glad ppl have replied :)

I'm Carl 22 from australia at the moment im travelling, living in austria vienna, having a great time... i came travelling for the sole purpose to train as a athlete full time but unfortunatly i have hurt my achilles...i think i have about another two weeks before i can run again....

other things i love are surfing (not good at it) aussie rules footy, all kinds of music(techno and heavy rock are me favs) cricket athletics(of course) and there heaps more....

finished school when i was 17(a yr early) i couldnt stand school anymore so i left and got a job been working ever since then, well upto march this year when i came to vienna.

well thats me wrapped up in a nutshell


P.S. i hope the regulars in chat find time to post here :)
Well, I am a 28 year old male that hails from Michigan.  Graduated high school and college in that same state (didn't get out much).  Have a degree in horticultural science and an educational degree in agricultural science and biology.  Am married with a 3 year old daughter and currently run an English language school in Seoul South Korea.  I am a down to earth whatever guy and tend to let that insane second (or is it third?) voice in my head do the talking in the chat room.  My appologies for that.

I would also like to thank rebanne and Sandy for their awesome sites.  If you guys ever need silver transfers or items under level 42 let me know.

Lil M&M let me know when you are in South Korea, I'll pop down and have a soda with you...hehe

I too am much to addicted to this game, but I work 70 hours a week so this game is perfect for me. I can just pop on whenever possible and knock out a few clicks.  Cool thread, only met three of the people who have posted.  

Jethro Tull.

Especially Thick as a Brick: wonderful both musically and poetically.  Actually, I've yet to get Aqualung (which is supposedly more famous) but I hear the style is similar.
Great Idea for a post Rebel!

I'm a 26 year old married female with a degree in environmental sciences (mostly biology) from Arizona State University. All of my char names are botanical Latin genus & species names, mainly so I don't have to worry about someone else having that name already!  My husband & I are moving from AZ to TX soon to expand our business, so I've been playing Larki from various hotel rooms.  I'm still pretty new to the game & am really enjoying getting to know the people here, especially the experienced players that are so nice & helpful to us newbies.  

Hopefully, I'll be able to get to TA soon!

(grama grass) 
hello all, I don't want to get away from the topic of this post (whether or not someone is gay) but--I will.  I am 36, male and live in Reno.  Woo-hoo!!  Don't know much about computers, have a useless degree in the second most talked about topic in this post (biology), avid reader and concert goer (mostly indy-alternative music).  Like this game because of its leisurely(sp?) pace, I can come and go as I please and don't have to interact with anyone if I don't want.  Love this forum though.  Maybe more entertaining than the game.
I like ur taste in genre seb. I curious about getting prog rock. Only artist I have now is Stereolab. Can you recommend some?
Man, everybody seems so much older than me. I'm just 13, going into 8th grade. I hate biology... and math... and let's face it, everything but computer class as an elective. Presently, I suspect 2 people I know could be a bit ***, it's like a 51%-49% thing. And no, this is not a "stupid 13 year old story."  I 
 like to think I am beyond my years.
Interesting post.

I'm 16, male, and from Michigan.

Obsessed with music and literature.  Sorry, not a big r.ap fan, but I like pretty much all other music, especially classical, jazz, folk, progressive rock, and classical rock.  Actually, the only place I've ever seen that last term used is to describe the music of Mannheim Steamroller.
My name is Cameron. I am 16 years old and attend a christian school in Wenatchee, WA. I do okay in school. Most people describe me as the kid with potential who just happens to be the laziest person on earth. I don't have much to do at home, so when I'm bored I log on to Larkinor Quest, kick back, and rack up the exp. (not that I need to be bored to play). I haven't really spoken to too many people in this game and still don't know most of you. I will be a long time player, so eventually I'll interact with everyone.
This IS a really good idea...
I haven't talked to too many of you very much but anyway...
I'm Lisa, I'm a 16 yr old and becomin a junior. I do pretty well in school, but I have no clue what I want to be when I grow up..I used to be really good at writing until I started having no time to write or read a lot(you can go to poetry.com and there's a poem called "An Ocean is like life" I wrote  :-))...and then I was a pretty good actress until I ran out of time to act in plays. I am pretty shy, but fun once you get to kno me...I am also very random...As you have probably know, I am a HUGE Johnny Depp fan. hmm, well, that's all I can think of for now..I love this game! ok, I'm done. cherrio!
Oh and I have a associates degree in computer networking systems but never got into it after I graduated (20 grand for a nice piece of paper though).
go for accounting, more money in it.

As for me 26/Male in TN. Single father with custody of my little girl. I am a real estate agent and also keep my insurance licence active for when the occasions arise that someone may need some. 
Well, I'm going to be a freshman in highschool next year, which means I get to take biology!  So I'll find out whether I like it or not.  I have three older siblings.  I lived in England for six years, the rest was/is in the state of Washington.  My real name is Katherine, usually called Kat.  
I am AJ. Of course that's my nickname because I'm a junior and my first name starts with an A :p I'm 17 and a male. I am starting school again in August going in as a Senior (B-) last year C/o '06) and plan to go to college afterwards into business managment.

I live in Mississippi (USA) currently. I lived in New Jersey for some 16 years. When I graduate high school from here my objective is to move in (in New Jersey) with a friend or relative and finish school AGAIN to graduate with the people I grew up with.

I love r.ap and hiphop. When I have time I make my own music but using others peoples beats. I love freestyle battles. When in music, I go by the name Pelon (I was bald when I was born and got the name in spanish). Oh yeh, i know english and spanish :p

I used to be a troublemaker, until I moved here and realized I almost didn't get admitted into school. Have to plan for the long run (college :D)

Now I have many friends in two states :) I lift weights, work at Wendy's 6 days a week on average (no jokes because we don't flip burgers anymore;) this is the only Wendy's in the US that is like this...for now, and I like fighting, don't know why :(

And I probably typed more than anyone so I'm going to stop. :p I've already told what I like to do. Haven't described my personality but oh well. Have a nice night :)
Interesting posting idea... 

36, Male, Single, not *** :), recovering engineer, discovered that I love biology - which is rather fortunate since I left engineering to go be an old fashioned country doctor! Basically, I would 
 rather spend time with people than with computers. (I know, weird choice for hobby!) Used to have more money than I knew what to do with, but have since nearly bankrupted myself in the school effort. 

Traveling the countryside checking out schools this month. Had this been posted yesterday, I would have swung over to Louisiana! 

I'm very new to Larkinor (most of the posts make no real sense yet though I actually read all the FAQS!), but am enjoying it! I usually play paladin-types because I basically act like one in the real world, so this is.. different...  for me. I don't know how long I can keep playing, once school starts back though! :(  If I can scrap together the 15 bucks, I will subscribe next month. 

Rebel Lenore ##! You have got to be kidding about the name (either of them)! You have some way cool 'rens or you just lucked out huge! A great saying for you: Bona na croin.

See you on-line. 

(Gwion-useless 'main', Al Azrah-rockin 'backup', nerf!) 

Chris ##
*edit my first post:

I forgot to mention that my real name is Rebel Lenore (first and middle).  I'd rather not put my last. (And yes, Rebel is my real name, on birth certificate and everything).
What is A2?  Is that like a sophomore?
Cool topic.

Im a 17 year old male, England, currently studying at college for my A2 levels. Taking Geography, IT and Film Studies. Hoping to go on to study IT at Uni. We have bad weather except for the past week where it has been too hot :( for me. (i burn easy) I think a Lark Met would go down extremely well if it was plausible. Lots of ppl from around the globe makes it kinda tricky. :( Would like to meet ppl though. Maybe rebanne and sandy for giving me soooo much help with the sites. 
LOL I'm having a bit of trouble narrowing down a major.  I'm thinking maybe management, accounting, or marketing.  ULM's business school is really good, so I'm sure what ever I go into I'll be able to get a good job.
What's ur major now?

Well I have a friend who turned out to be gay too. I admit I was a bit freaked out at first, but we're still friends. 

Anyways I'm a student at Berkeley, majoring in EECS (electrical engineering and computer science), gonna be 20 this summer, jobless for now, but had been working at CompUSA for a while (I have a lot more respect for sales people now that I know the things they go through in a work day, though I'll never want to be one again). As you prolly know, I'm fanatical about Led Zeppelin. My favorite songs from him are stairway, the rover, sick again, ramble on, and babe i'm gonna leave you. I also listen to electronic music (industrial/EBM, old school techno, and some underground stuff).

omg thats alot.Well im a very kind person that sometimes messes up big time and trys to repair my mistakes.I will forgive and forget if you do something to me.And i would like to meet all of you including Elusha,FanOfLed,you(Freddypoo,braves06,hottrackstar,deltafighter2,Pete,V,Lady Die,Sgt.slim,Montsegur,destro and everyone that i have ever talked to in the chatroom.  
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