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ask me a question about haloCE or halo 2s storyline and ill bet ya ill answer it.

omg u aint even got it!!! u plank
i should get x-box live, ill let ya know in 10 years
bring it on, i know i can beat anyone ;)
if i get xbox life i can whoop u lol then again im always 2 overconfident :8}
yup :) need more ppl to beat :)
anyone have xbox live? Like to see if any of you are good  :)
And just 4 the record im not rally a geek...i have full physical cappabilities and academic requirements for SWAT.lol i think ill just fight in the army. God bless the troops!

By saying ive dedicated my life to it i didnt mean... you no... so litteral

(i feel like an idiot now:()

yeah i guess your right LIVESTRONG....SWAT here i come!
i completed halo2 in a day (easy mode) lol though i find it boring the only good thing is mutlipalyer
halohgeek92>ive deticated my life to it tho it kinda tos my gf

Jeez, you've dedicated your life to a game. Now come on, there is more in life to dedicate to than...... a game?:| ... 

You say the only thing good about it is the multiplayer - that is enough to beat all other games alone! £40 for Lbox L!ve and a headset, and you have the best game in the world ;)

halo2 doesnt just own GTA it owns EVERY game

ive deticated my life to it tho it kinda tos my gf
i disagree, i say Halo2 
 but everyone has ther own opinion ;)
I played it in GAME when it came out and again today - a good game but not as good as people said.

Get a game like GTA instead :D
¿ Why is 
 so overrated ? The only good thing about it is the mulitplayer B-)