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bad times
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bad times
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bad times
hey all,some but not all of you know i am going through some rough times right now.Tonight will be the last time for a while i will be seen in tanx.I am forced to go AWOL (absent without leave) from my post in tanx.For how long i done know. but i want you all to know i will be thinking of you. I shall return........wish ya all well......im out....Muke
muke...grrr....i wish you couldnt leave us behind...all of us ppl will be thinking of you and when you will be comming back...i hope that you will be back soon enough that we did not relize you were gone..find a way to come back...c ya later
aka: sherman2005
I met a guy playing Tanx and made a connection that I didn't think possible.

I will be waiting for your return

Nite Mr R

Miss D

:'( dang it muke!!! NOOOOOO!!! wish there was somethin i can do...take care muke...love you lots!!! [[hugs]] [[kisses]] [[aishiteru]] i'll never foget you 
:D well muke , hope everything works out, and we see you again soon...:D

Muke, I'll miss ya.. won't be able to say hi to you much but I'll be thinkin of ya and hope you come back..

missin u already - i know u will b bac as soon as u can-everyone will miss u though, see ya soon, shontil
hurry back bro. good luck with ur battles ahead. i got ur back. till we meet again. YOUR IT!!!!

Sorry to hear ur leaving us:(
And i want u to know that u'll deffo gonna be missed by this tank. Hope to see u soon. tc 

Luv ya! 
Muk, I just saw ur post, but looks like I'm to late:( I haven't forgotten ya! Hope everything gets better for you & works out. Stay strong like I know you are and know that I miss you alot. Take care, Tara  
I hope you get to see this Muke

Look at all the Love

Shark kiss
good luck to u muke an come back soon like everyone says we miss ya
Be strong..whatever it is...this too shall pass.  All the best.  Your tanx pal, Max
For those of you tank pilots who missed Muke on his last op. I, by the authority vested in me, named the snow capped peak in classic " Muke Mountain" in honor of a great fair tank pilot and friend Mukedup.  JUDGE
Muke Mountain huh Judge. that any good 4 snow boardin ???
Im Sad To See you Go But Im Glad We Became Good Friend's I'll Be Waiting For You On The Field And Hope You Come Back Soon :( Your Presence Will Be Missed In Tanx,I Give You My Best Wish's. Your Friend DNAngel ;)
When muke comes back, if he ever does, he'll be a private.  I'll have a higher rank than him.  Har di har har!
Huhhh???What?????Muke Mountain???????

(i laugh to myself)

redfly even if he does come back as private u have no chance of beatin him. :p
we with you muke  we keep a light on for ya'  tony <><>