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Who's been here the longest?
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Who's been here the longest?
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Who's been here the longest?
I have been here since August 14, 2002.  Anyone been here longer?  There are only a few of us O.G.s (original gamers) out there and I want to know who's still out there.

Leave your emails if ya wanna swap too.

August 2003, thats good enough for me ;-)
January 2005:p well to be exact i started today:p  well on this name ;), nah May 2004:p  i know it aint long but at least it's long enough to know who i wanna play and who im not gunna play ;) (as in flukers and runnersB-))

and just for you ppl who ive never met :p i'll sign my other name instead;) tho u still wont know me :D

Ģøιđεη Śîιεηcε™
2001 :O long time :| bet ur good B-)

B-)Ģøιđεη Śîιεηcε™:p
So far Polky is way in the lead with 2001.


  There's still a few of us "oldies" playing,
  that were here in 2001.

  Macca36 (FlyOrDie Moderator) 
I wonder if we can get a room for oldies only hehe...

hmm ive been here since like june of 2002
I've been here since april 2002
Can I get Euan, my March 2002 name back, so that I can post in the topic with it? You can permanently re-ban again afterwards if you want.

I've behaved...ask Ver ;)!
February 3rd 2005 yes im defeinetly not bin here longest but who cares>?
Ps. thats in  ma other name 
Sun god ra
January 2005:D not long but i've only jus started playing here again ;)

Ғѓέđđỹ Қѓűέgέѓ
Since: Sep 14, 2002 though i think i have been playing allot longer than this.. 
cosworth is ur name refering 2 da car??
Any 2001 that still have their nicks?

Well, this name has been registered since March 2002, but I was here before that. Been here since you didn't have to register your nickname. Maybe around 2000, I think.

Streamline has also been around as long as me. And I'm sure there are a couple who still play, who have been around as long as me.. Although I don't play much anymore. :p
feburary 2005 :( but doing good in 9 ball :)
does this have 2 do with billards i think this should b offtopic
Of course it's on topic.  Why I don't know but all i play here is 8-ball so i figured people who now me and read forums will be more likely to post.

Jeez i kan't Sppell    *know*

i v been here since december 1999 
i haved played in periods
i thinked i wass the only despret guy playng on this site for so long
Time keeps on ticking, ticking, into the Future.

                  Lovin every minute of it,
dont know how long i am in fod now.... oldest nick i remember is "stinkende socke", 2002
ive been here since september 2004.:s doesnt sound like that long but it feels ive been on this 4 ages:p
first name was made july 2002 :d
it was one of my only origanl names that didnt get banned :( and it was in funny text and was deleted off the old computer :s kinda looks like this.. ♥Ćả®МәŊ♥ ben playing off n on all that time and .. still no good.. lol
For the moment I think I'm the old one, 10 NOVEMBER 2001
I been here since August 1999.. with some nickname
ive been here since august 2001 
Im right there with ya war on that one ive been here since jeez to long to remember. with the nickname peachysweet18 which is perm banned. which goes for alot of other nicks i had. 
Not very smart admitting you were perm banned :| I doubt ill see you again lol.
I've been here for a while as you can see

I think if everyone read and replied to your topic you would have hundreds of replies from players

I am not being a clever git (lol) my point is I enjoy the forums and wish I was used more 
may 03 2002 and there were a lot here before me...
2002 with this nik but i had a nikname i-will-rule which was 2001 but its banned :(
My very first nickname is banned now :| It was in 2000, or 2001 :)

ive been here since may 2002, thnx to my nephew ;-0
i think ive beenhere since april 2002...no make tht 2001
 but i took a year break... and yes i have a life because i dont come here much lol besides im only on this site for Crown Thief whos harly on neway.
u are all soooo sad if u have been playing this game for 4 years!!! what's the point? find a new pass time, like i dunno real snooker!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do play REAL snooker so.. :)

Hey corrs .. Glad to hear that your happy I let you know about FOD :D

how did u reply so quickly live strong :O
You've been living with your parents for nearly your whole life !! Go get a life :p and let the people who like FlyOrDie stay :) 

Me been here nearly 3 years :p
I replied quickly because I just opened this topic and I saw your message and I posted simple :p

>>> You've been living with your parents for nearly your whole life !! Go get a life  and let the people who like FlyOrDie stay.

Who you on about Caption? ?:|

I think i beat endgame by a week or two
I have been way to long.  I hardly play anymore.
wow how do u find out so quick and wat was it like baq then
The lobby area was very basic the table was different.

The rule were like pool rules to be honest. 

There was no ranking system.

Everybody knew who the best players were.

I'm not being big headed but I was one of them along with jimmy white eggetrr enigma greenking xzibit chut_wong DD... and ummm someone else ohh Mark J williams.
wow.. thought i was old with 2002 lol :p on another name obviously.. banned now tho ;\
I've Been on FOD since 
Nov 23, 2001
 does that make me old?
The oldest Registered Nick on FOD is hontvari Oct 31, 2001 also belongs to the owner :)

Night Ranger FOD Moderator

i bn here since may 2001 on my other name if u old ppld remeber me its THE ICE MAN
woah GPR you must be the oldest:o you were here before the game was even made :p
I'm pretty much a newbie ... April 2004 :D
i remember when there wasnt registered names u just typed in any name u wanted and went into lobby:p
when u post a message you see there nickname at the side if u right click on there name then click properties,

you see something like this:

were you see 77 mean you were 77th user to reg on fod, so enigma was one of first ;)
btw i got that link from Enigma's nick.
this snooker site chris (Jimmy White) made a very long time ago 2002 i think has alot of old players in rankings ;) does jj madrid still play ?
get people saying when these lot played in old days they were better than players now, check on that site players profiles, i can see a few players who are now spoke as the best yet none of em have made a 100 break there in snooker.
sry this is league i was goin on about 
or if you just hover over the name at the left it shows the number too:)
the first nickname was the owners and this is the link :p

so its october 31 2001 well thats when the registered users started playing anyway
 April 2002   Sginetta league   im old
that was a class league was my first league i joined but it was good made alot of good friends there not childish ones like you have here now
back in the day of mylegue.com/fod  , best snooker league ever. 
March 8 2003 I Started WHen I Was 11
 been here since Aug 16 2002....
I played before that for bout 6 - 8 months till someone made this nick for me.
SGINETTA LEAGUE.... Them were the days:)
That was one lady who took noooooooo messin ;)
for the oldies? How about a room for adults only.
around August 2000 on and off till now :)
So many people full of it on here, august 2000? yea alright lol august 2000 you were about 10 nana. :)

sginetta league was worst run league EVER. get banned for beating an admin lmfao no thanks.
"So many people full of it on here, august 2000? yea alright lol august 2000 you were about 10 nana. 

I was 14 tyvm do you think im proud or showing off spending my youth in this dam coope? (-.-)

So full of it? you dont even know the meaning you should check out ppl like baller who post saying how great they are ..

august 2000 tho m8, come off it this site opened proper with nicks about august 2001 lol.
awww spittin your dummy out again? :(?
I've been on here since april 2002. OMG I'M GETTING OLD

The question was Whos been here the longest?

It wasn't which nick has been here the longest lmao.

I found this game while surfing for those mini snooker tables for my bedroom when i was like 14 came across flyordie. I didnt start keeping to 1 nick till 2003 or 04 
The question was Whos been here the longest?

It wasn't which nick has been here the longest lmao.

I found this game while surfing for those mini snooker tables for my bedroom when i was like 14 came across flyordie. I didnt start keeping to 1 nick till 2003 or 04 
The Power you ain't been here that long have you? I mean your no master at this game :).
i stated 2000 feb 12th   dunno if its longest probly not but im far from best i admit im probly ranked last in the world :$        :) gl all
Same as wsp ive been here since dec 1999 not with this name though I used peachysweet18. which is now perm banned along with a bunch of others. To long on this site lol
june 2001 under the nik newkie
been here since jan 2001 cant remember pass for that name though :p
This is one of my oldest names I believe.  Been here so long I feel like a prehistoric dinasaur....lol.
Second nic I had after starting on FOD...and many more since!!!
I think FOD started dating players starting in Nov. 2001. They seem to have done it in alphabetical order. So many might of been here before date shown as I was. My other names date back to Nov. 2001.
How many remember me?

hmm 7 nov close...thought id join you nov 2001 o.a.p's lol :p
25th July 2005 was my join date. Bah, im a total newbie.
Lmao.:D mee too. ahh funny stuff...
Eh Ive been here since 2001
with the nick hockey4life2

and hockey4life 00' i think
but there both perm banned
i saw dshk being #2 , so he must be the 2nd longest on this site :p 
I been here since July 1999 but not on this name of course :p
Longest player so far in this topic is Enigma, he was 77th person to register on this site, nobody is close to him but theres alot a few thousand away...

You can find out what number you registered by Right cliking on a nickname and then click Properties and theres a number...Thats your registration :D
I've been here since March 2003.  I can't really remember when the last time I registered was, but it says so next to my post so that's good enough for me.  I took a long haidus (Did I spell that right?) after playing pool for months, and now I'm back.  I gotta say there's been a lot of improvement in this site.  I play other games now along with pool, like chess, even though I suck at that. :p

<<<<LOL since you asked No.  I don't usually edit spelling but it is "haitus">>>>>>>>

[Edited by: LadyDie on Feb 25, 2007 2:41 PM]
May 2003.  I was lucky to find this password for this name. Its been a very long time since i used it.  Current name is TMGolfer.  Great topic Bowlerdude.
if i wasnt 12 years old then hopefully i would ov been ere in 01, hopefully ill be here for years to come.