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Email Verification
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Email Verification
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Email Verification
Concept here .. foudn one of my old names :D

if i email support will they forward my verification to the email i supply ? because this is registered to AOL and i dont have that :O looking for an answer from a mod :p

Do you mean if you send an email to support concerning your request they will transfer your email verication from another nick to another nicks email ?
yes, that's exactly what i'm asking :)

Well im not quite sure that it is possible..

Once an email has been verified to a nickname i think only site admins can change it..

Ask veriac...he might have the answer your looking for..
haha i'm the dumb one :):(:):

Accurate information is important in case you ever forget your Nickname or password. We will need to confirm your identity using the given email adress. 
Nickname and password reminders are only being sent to the registered email adress! 

If you have entered any information incorrectly or have forgotten what you entered, we will not be able to remind you of your username or send you a new password. 

~AJ :p