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Animal Anagrams
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Animal Anagrams
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Animal Anagrams
Thought I would start a new game to..called Animal Anagrams...For those who are not familiar with Anagrams here are the basics...Type the name of any animal..but jumble the letters up..I'll start this off with one :p


Whoever guesses the name of the animal correctly..starts with a new  Animal Anagram


 FlyOrDie Moderator

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Have fun

lol Ok..yes.."but"..It's still not the correct answer :p..keep trying :)
is it  a 
 ( butterfly)
If I was right here is the next anagram

Sorry Razzler..not correct :(
:( oh well better luck next time
can I put my anagram now or have I got it wrong again,lol

Sorry again Razzler it's wrong :(
ok heres one....

Not ur turn Razzler..I guessed Red's correcty first :(..you now have to guess mine..the one above yours..lol

oops my mistake Streamline(down on bended knees)lol
Hey streamline where are the entries going

Listen please..whoever guesses the previous animal..takes their turn..so please make sure if anyone has guessed..the last one before repeating with the same answer..Thankyou :p
ok, thank you for explainging that but do you have to get the spelling of the animal correct too?

Yes please try to spell the name correctly
komoto drago
npeuvria ystnirag

peruvian stingray lol



WildeBeest! took me forever
Sry last word wrong......nreeats mllsa otdofe ysitom
Eastern Small Footed Myotis
i got the elephant bit but i cidnt get the pymgy bit :p
ficanar vace-gwnidlle dipesrs
African cave-dwelling Spiders.

There must be some other games site who does anagram games . 

finding Nemo :p

   lmao so easy :D
since concept is too slow and finding nemo isnt a fish:

An easy one if u cant get it :p muwhahahahah   aoknaroag
ehrte dote kenas hoott ikskn. :)

Three toed snake tooth skink  :p ;)
caracal bloomin dat was a hard 1 stream ;)

rocky mountain goat head

went thru alot for dat lol :p

lol sry every1 i spelt it rong gettin so bad at dis game im ruinin it

making a new one? or has it ended? :p
ill take the liberty to make one up hehehhehehe

brzizau sciraman raeb 
Hello Red..I'm gonna 
you if you keep putting hard ones in like this..lol :p
sorry hehe dont ban me plz lol

sorry bout taking your turn....Concept made me do it!!! lol 
i give a hint...its from my home country
abruzzi marsican bear 

dat was a tuffy :p
eht ninsaalo onrarw duheomt otda
The summin warron?! summin toad. :D
The Sinaloan narrow-mouthed toad :D:D:D:D:D:D:D :p
lol..eager beaver.....lol that was so corny.
Been staring at ComboDuke's anagram for a few hours now and look what it's done to me
]This is a hard one to guess
We are still on smackamcraka's streamy coz combo got it wrong...

It's gooseneck barnacle ;):p

Next one...

aerodactile Dinosaur is it combo?
We are not on combo's one. X-( and Exorcist I thought you were leaving FlyOrDie. :|
Basics first,,,,English,spelling,,,,,,,then anagrams .
combo this better not be a crazy animal that no ones ever heard of...
Ok it's   "ocelot"     without the     n     :p
The Mazatlan toad

Since you lot seem to be getting these too quickly....the next one contains only 2 words :D

Balinese fish cows
This is a tough one Veriac :(
That....there...above me..that's what ..lol :p
someone please explain this to me..i dont get it? :(
Someone writes a set of letters which when re-arranged form a name of an animal.

When someone gets it right they get to post one. ;)

We are on 
Balinese fish cows
 by Veriac

i know that obbviously 
but what veriacs one..how do we do that?
isnt it an un-jumbled animal all ready?? is balanese fish cows an animal? aggg!! u give me a head ache...do us all a favour veriac..post another one not so impossible, eh?

Sorry Stream. Waaaay off there. You did get the first letter of the first word though :D

its humpback whale, right?

and wheres do the s's take role? :p
ok since its been ages and i got it right...i will make a 

lidegotnal orlflbug 
lol....you cant move on to a new one until you get mine right :D

Keep trying :p

Change it so we know which letters are in which word would ya?:|:D
Ive been writing on 5 different pieces of A4 paper for the last hour or so and still nothing comes up that even remotely resembles an animal's name . This one's goin to send me round the bend Veriac. I bet you're the proud owner of some wierd and wonderful new spieces of house pet. :p
now for my nxt one :p

gdrtle saees
o yea u have to keep the jumbled letters within that word..you cant put a letter from the 1st word in the 2nd word
well i did and so did ver ...makes it harder. now get ur brain goin and figure it out :p
hehe need to do a bit of re-arranging Xtreme?:|:p
i got one this is the hardest one ever

Seeing as no one has done one..I'll do one :p

i still think my fish was the hardest :p
lol @ pickle eggs :p..nowhere near ;)
I've never heard of an animal called Pikkle eggs in my life :p lol