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Why do somepeople still think that just cause they lose a game they have the right to use abusive language to justify their loss? they fail to point the blame at themselves for possibly playing badly or for the other player playing the game of their life to win.. The Moral of this story is IT IS JUST A GAME..forget about it and move on to the next opponant.. twice today i have played someone higer in rating than me beat them and got the usual you were lucky thrown at me or idiotic little pictures of the middle finger being thrown at me, well let me tell you something carry on with that attitude and the only loser will be yourselves because i take pride in playing here and have many friends that enjoy this site aswell and for every incident of abuse that comes my way or i see in the lobby i take a screen shot and Foward to Moderator. i wont let idiots spoil it for me and i know there are plenty of people that just like to play here without all the hassle from new people to the site and sadly the troublemakers that have made a name for themselves with the constant demerits..
Enjoy guys, play fair, play to win and although there is alot of skill out there alot of it is luck aswell and we need to accept it... a fluke is a fluke but at the end of the day they all count... Chris..
im usually not one to put ppl down i wanna make erry1 feel comfortable but what was the point of this post? no1 cares about flukes and if they do thats their prollem..move to a different game :)

sorry bout that :p

how they give u tha finga? ,,l,,? thats horrible :( i got a betta one 
‹^› <----only werks in lobby and is smalla looks nothin like this <^>
wow i guess it werks in forum too :( noooo!!! sum1 delete it plz :(
Concept you missunderstood what i was saying, it wasnt about flukes it was about the abuse i got for winning my games..And you posting the idiotic pictures i was on about really doesnt help the issue at all...
I mute anyone that isnt constructive with their criticism.
However some people jump the gun.Got abused before the break!!! Ignore the numptys!
calm down
that pic was an accident i dint mean for it to look like dat 

but u got tha attitude i like :p
u dont take no bs nd u kno wuts right from wrong :)

a fluke is a fluke but at the end of the day they all count... Chris..

nd u sed in the end it wasnt bout flukes :(
:D just in tourney

and in every game I smashed Up Pack after other person Broke and potted 2 every time

now thts flukey