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what is with these clans...?
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what is with these clans...?
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what is with these clans...?
everytime i turn around there is another new clan. how many are there now? too many! the only reason i voice out against clans is because 90% of clan members that i've seen never go into rated ops alone... always waiting for 2 or 3 other members to help them. no offense to any clan, or to any clan member therein, but it seems that some people (not all but some) join clans only to have an excuse for constantly doing what i call "team banking". i cant begin to tell you how many times i've seen 5 clan members teaming on a single person (ususally a newbie) and obtaining more points than they deserve (once again, no offense). however there are some respectable clan members, who i almost always see fighting on their own and earning their points. they have my respect, where the bankers in the clans do not.
I agree

The other thing is clan members who insist you join their clan. I have my own friends on TANX and didn't have to join a clan to get them