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I have a dream
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I have a dream
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I have a dream
I have a dream that one day wolfs will run this game. That there will be a wolf in every room. That the wolfs will be the most domaint forcse every seen. I have a dream that one day my kids will not be juged by there furr but by the way they kick butt. 

thanx for reading.

How dumb. Quit your boasting and your attempts to take over flyordie.
It is ok you dont have to see it my way but today flyordie next week the world.haahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahja

you cant even take control of a conversation in the mirror let alone a website..
just stick to what you do best..
getting killed..
HAHAH dude, clans have yet to take over tanx. Look how many UAG's and Unidos there are. They havent even taken of it. It will still be a dream for a very very long time :|
Wolves take over Tanx? I dunno about that...
But I don't care what anyone else says. We all have the right of speech. So, wolf of water, you can keep that dream, I guess. But if you actually want it to happen, quit dreaming and get workin'.

lmao hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahaahahahahahahahhahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahhahahahhahahaa

The dream is coming togater everyday more and more wolfs join the pack. soon there will be to many for even the best to handle. Our leader is great he is the best he has not shown his slef yet but he will. and when he dose Wolfs will rule Tanx.

I will destroy all your members :)
(hopefully :p)
"Our leader is great he is the best he has not shown his slef yet but he will. and when he dose Wolfs will rule Tanx."

Its pretty obvious you are the leader setting an anti-climax for a newbie leader.

I have yet to see a "wolf" in tanx but when I do rest ashured that I will bank of them just to prove a point.
No kingpin i am not the leader. And to that other guy you can try to bank all you want but you will win. sooner or later you will go down. (sooner)
Mex you still watching for the wolves? I haven't seen one yet either. 
I havent as of yet seen 1 member of the wolf pack in any of the tanx rooms :O

-TANK :)
why does everyone need attention these days? ;\
Tanx master i was talking to you the other day. for the rest of you I HAVE TWO WORDS FOR YA.... wolfs rule.
Tanx master i was talking to you the other day. for the rest of you I HAVE TWO WORDS FOR YA.... wolfs rule.
No you wern't ...i have never engaged into conversation with you whilst i have been online ?:|
Yall remember CAD :p

Chaos And Destruction

Believe me nobody can take over tanx with a clan i tried lasted a while was good fun but got banned in the end not worth it ;)

Ex leader of Cad :( 

:p :p :p
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