Hello developers. I would like to make my suggestion. I believe that this is a wish of many people who use programs according to the site's rules. I know about the struggle you have with users who use helps and programs incorrectly on the site, without the appropriate red marking. And that you have recently been taking measures to discourage their use. However, many people like to use programs, just like me, within the rules stipulated by the site. I would like to ask that a ranking for subscribers who use programs be created in all types of chess modality and that it appear within the game tab. Another issue concerns the leader who has the crown. With the new rules, whoever has the most points in each modality if marked as a program does not receive the crown. I understand that you want to value Humans. However, why don't you create an exclusive crown for those marked as a program? It could have another color, another symbol, etc. Many users have stopped subscribing to the site because of these things. I thank you in advance.