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Demerit point
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Demerit point
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Demerit point
I have noticed that some player could appear with a "demerit point" ( kind of big black point near the nick name) What does it mean ? Who can set "demerit point" to players ?
Hello uba74

Players who behave in an inappropriate way - who violate the site rules ( 
 ) rules -  receive a demerit point.  
A demerit point mutes the the player to all present in any of FlyOrDie's game chat areas.
The duration time of a demerit point varies. The player will be notified about the duration of the demerit on the login screen.

Kind regards,
John Stewart
ok understood, but who can give these demerit point to players. Moderator ? other players ?
Moderators and assistant moderators only.
It should be interesting  to know the precise reason of a demerit point.
Then every one could be aware of what to care of when playing demerit player ... And maybe (?) this could encourage demerit players not to continue on, and improve for better fairplay behaviors
If a user has a demerit, they are given the reason they have it every time they login.

I.e If you receive a demerit, the next time you login it will say “you have received a demerit, reason: insulting/harassing others” etc.
Ok thanks,
But could other players know the reason of a given demerit point to a player ?
I guess no. Nevertheless I would be interested by having this information when meeting a demerit player.
Would it be possible ?
Thank you for your quick reply. 
