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Hello there ! There is a player whose nicknames have been banned four times. 4 nicknames - 4 bans. He made the fifth nickname. And then, using the new option that allows you to change your nickname, he does it. And he changes his nickname to the one that was banned. Thus, the forbidden nickname receives reincarnation. Tell me, what do your rules say about this?
Hello _Neva_
If you encounter behavior that you believe violates our Community's Guidelines or constitutes abuse, 
we encourage you to report it through the appropriate channels. (There is no mention of this in FlyOrDie's Rules of Use.)
As long as you don't have the Report Abuse function on your profile, please send in your report(s) here: 
  so the moderation team can investigate this particular case and take appropriate action, if necessary.  

Thank you and
kind regards,
Edited by John Stewart
We wrote it at the same time lol
John, did I understand you correctly - changing your nickname to one that was banned is a violation of the rules?  The option to change your nickname is new and apparently has the vulnerability that I wrote to you about. Thank you. Sorry to bother you.
Hello _Neva_ 
There is no mention of this in FlyOrDie's Rules of Use. --> 

Therefore, I can only suggest that you report this in detail to the moderators
using the link I provided in my first reply so that they can take a decision in this particular case.

Thank you and 
kind regards,
Edited by John Stewart