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Guys If u want learn how to play good please sign up!
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Guys If u want learn how to play good please sign up!
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Guys If u want learn how to play good please sign up!
theres 2 players
Bluefire and death match i teach them they got double bette cuz i taugh them how to p;lay good. but if ur interesing that uR really good chance >: sign up please ur chance ! And HAPPY HALLOWEEN
he is a good coach very clear :D
Brandon...i have taught numerous players to get better including "fireup" ..he improved loads and other players ..its just a case of how desperately they want to learn how to play good..so my point is..ermmm carry on but just dont assume the role of a "tanx tutor" because there are others who also wish to teach players
That would be great if I could get better at Tanx!  How can you help me out?

Pancho showed me thanks bro :)
He didnt teach Bluefire...
Bluefire is my brother, and he isnt a very good tanx player... So, when I saw Raxor Blade banking off him, or rather "coaching" him, I thought i would take over and at least give him a good fight :D

Bluefire didnt improve... I took over :p
