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Erm … ?
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Erm … ?
Posted in 
Erm … ?
What is going on lately? Toplists have been down for a good while now, servers going down and disconnecting randomly, eco settings still not working and now this? 

Hello DAMO, 
I am linking to a post by FlyOrDie Administrator hoat4, who informed us about what happened recently.  

Concerning that black table, please try whether clearing your browser's cache helps. If this doesn't resolve the problem, please contact FlyOrDie's technical support -  but allow them a few days to get back to you. 

Concerning the eco settings: -->  

Thank you and
kind regards,
Edited by John Stewart
Still missing VIP from two Tournaments and they are yet to make either of those Tournaments Official. It's been 11 days since one and 4 since the other. Seems like they are truly struggling to keep up these days with everything which is honestly saddening.

Also noticed these fake numbers on Tournament Rankings on several games, it's quite comedic to look at. Seen one the other day of someone with 940 Tournament Wins.. haha. Hopefully they sort things out soon before it gets even worse.

Need those settings back in Billiards especially..
Hi Damo, these are reasons why I stopped playing. Don't know what's going on. Hope they sort it out quick though.