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Server issue
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Server issue
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Server issue
I've been randomly kicked out of many pool games, it's been happening for over a week. I tried with different accounts but same result. It has nothing to do with my internet connection and I know that it's been happening to other players as well.
Hello swingbopp,
there are no server issues on FlyOrDie. And most of the 2500 players who are playing here right now don't have this issue. 

Here are a few things you can try yourself:
° Restart your router or cable modem.
° Clear your browser cache. 
° Contact your Internet Service provider to have your Internet checked or do some tests at home

Overactive virus protection software could also cause problems. It may pay off to check your system registry to see how many programs are running.
You could try temporarily disabling any antivirus, firewall, internet security software, to see if it improves connection.

If none of this works, please read the FAQs  
before contacting FlyOrDie's technical support   

If you are playing on a mobile device, avoid crowded hotspots near train stations or other public areas.

Kind regards, 
Edited by John Stewart
I've been playing on this platform for over a decade, almost daily and with multiple accounts. I can guarantee you that I have tried all of the above mentioned and it has nothing to do with the internet connection at all, nor with the cache or the apps running. I've read the FAQ and they're useless. This began around the beginning of February and I know for a fact that other players are having the same issue. I've reported it already, hopefully it might get fixed.
between you and FlyOrDie there are many servers which may have a problem right now. You may use "Traceroute Online" to check where the the problem occurs.   --> 
  or any other DNS checker. 
Like I said - there haven't been any server problems on FlyOrDie lately. 

Kind regards,