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How about a new energy in the tournament system? Every day!
How about a new energy in the tournament system? Every day!
How about a new energy in the tournament system? Every day!
Hello dear developer,
I think that the race for points in the game has decreased with the transition from the daily point system to the weekly point system. ( for backgammon) 

At this point, can you make changes that will create new energy in the tournament system?

Organizing tournaments at a certain time every day and evaluating them according to the total points earned by regular participation at the end of 7 days can both increase the number of participants and create a new competitive excitement.

With this arrangement, I think that those who participate regularly for 7 days will have a higher chance of winning (talent will be the determining factor rather than the luck factor) and the demand for this event will increase since only subscribers can participate.

P.s: It would be nice if there was a change in the situation of losing or gaining points in the tournament. In the backgammon section, most users want to participate in the tournament, but since they have high scores, they do not participate in order not to lose to low scores.Many people are demanding regulations on this issue.

Abone olmayanlar turnuvada konuşabilmesini isterim
abone olmayanlar  konuşabilmeli   ayrıca puanlarda etkilenmemeli
Turnuva problemi   :
Degerli   yetkililer   
Turnuvada    su  sorunlar   giderilebilir mi ? :
1 -  1.inci   olan  300   puan
2-   2.ci   olan     200   puan
3 -  3.cü   olan    100   puan  alsa

Diger  oyuncularin   paunlari   erimese

Nikler   gösterilmeyip    oyunculara  Turnuvaya  birer  Numara   verilse

ayrica    turnuva  bittikten sonra   1.ci   +   2.ci  +  3.cü     nikler  aciklanabilirdi       
Siralama   50 ye  kadar  götürülebilirdi 
Ama   turnuva  odasina  girildiginde   nikler   degil     sadece   nik  sahiplerine  verilen  nr lar  olmaliydi
I see where you’re going with this.

I can see myself taking part in this tournament with your suggestions.

I just hate how high rated players can’t play with low rated players because of luck. You will still see yourself struggling even when you have great skill. So obviously you can’t even tell who are the best Backgammon players. The backgammon overall rating system has always needed a change.
Puanlar etkilenmemeli turnuva tamamen bağımsız Bi yer olmalı böylece herkes turnuvaya katılabilir..