FlyOrDie's Sever is up and running.
When playing online games, it's possible to experience occasional disconnections. There is a distance between you and FlyOrDie with several servers, not just one! In case these disconnections happen frequently, like in your case,
you may use "Traceroute Online" to check where the the problem occurs -->
or any other DNS checker.
Is it possible that some browser settings are too restrictive now? And an overactive virus protection could also cause problems. You could try temporarily disabling any antivirus, firewall, internet security software, to see if it improves connection.
** This is all I can say concerning the issues you are having. **
If you tried everything and it did not resolve your problem, kindly contact FlyOrDie's technical support - even though the problem is not with FlyOrDie but with your internet or just because of the distance between you and FlyOrDie.
FlyOrDie tech support:
Kind regards,