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Insult(Bad word)
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Dear Moderators
Insult(Bad word)
Posted in 
Dear Moderators
Insult(Bad word)
I think this site is a decent entertainment environment. However, when the user named "bebina" loses the Memory Game, she insults in Italian and English. This is against the decent atmosphere of this place. I have complained many times, but unfortunately I do not see any results. I hope I will not be insulted again.
Good afternoon msconfig,
You should always send the abuse report, after analysis and if it is found that there was infraction the moderation team will act accordingly.
To finish I would like to remind you that the forum is not a place for reporting player abuse.

Best regards
good evening msconfig, indeed as you advise Dav7d you have the possibility of making a report on the file of the player who insults or to contact the moderators with the capture of the insults, here is the link contact moderators. 
 good evening, good games "༄Aïnara༄♥"
Thank you very much for the answers. With my love and respect.