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screen is different
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screen is different
Posted in 
screen is different
my screen is suddenly quite small and I can't make out much detail about what is happening.  Is this new or happening to others?
Hello Steady Teddy,

No, everything is, as it should be.

Were you a subscriber before and had a fullscreen mode until recently?  

Did you try with a different browser, such as Google's Chrome, Firefox, etc ? 

Are you on a mobile device or on a PC/Mac?

Kind regards,
I was never a subscriber, but always had full screen mode.  Nothing has changed from my end.
Hi Steady Teddy
in order to be able to solve a technical problem, we need some information. That's why I asked these questions. 
I still don't know anything about your technical specifications. 

Everything is fine here, the problem has to be at your end! 

Please read the FAQs  

before you contact the technical support   

Kind regards, 
I am experiencing the same problem;  small scree
I am experiencing the same problem;  small screen