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Betrug und Beschimpfung
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Dear Moderators
Betrug und Beschimpfung
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Dear Moderators
Betrug und Beschimpfung
Ich wollte heute diese Topic niemals aufmachen und dazu über diese Thema schreiben aber ich habe Gestern den Spieler  Dav7d er ist als Assistent Moderator gekennzeichnet !! über Spieler EML 2023 und Spieler Portugal4ever
Aber  heute ist der Spieler EML 2023 alte Nick Ferrari FS 90 mit sein neue nick Power 2023 Punkte auf Portugal4ever verschenk !!! Ausserdem hat Portugal4ever auch  mit seine Nick gespielt und Der  ¢onde auch nick von Portugal4ever war paar tage davor Permanet banned!!!!

Ich möchte bitte eine Antwort von ein Moderator wenn das  nicht stimmt was ich geschrieben haben!!! Darf mich Flyordie sofort Pernament Banned

Only one account

Members may only have ONE FlyOrDie.com account, ***unless explicitly allowed to have more***. Members who create more than one account may have all accounts closed.


It is up to the moderation team whether a player has to be punished or not.
Guten Abend The Team,

Das Forum ist, wie ༄Aïnara༄♥  völlig zutreffend schreibt, NICHT für Meldungen vorgesehen!

Bitte benutze für alle zukünftigen  Meldungen ausschließlich den dafür vorgesehenen Link, den dir ༄Aïnara༄♥ gegeben hat. Du hast dann auch die Möglichkeit Screenshots beizufügen.  

Freundliche Grüße,
No discussions please.
Report via the link.
Thank you 
good evening The Team, the forum is not a place for this kind of claim, you should do it directly with the moderators  here is the link     
  good evening and good games  "༄Aïnara༄♥"
Ok ich habe grade gemacht
I don't agree if a player gets points deducted and banned and other players go through without punishment !!! The player Portugal4ever allegedly has a family member here who works as an assistant moderator!!!!

And since when do we have 2nd assistant of moderators in checker room Are they to monitor or to flirt?
Hello everyone !!!
I thought that you can spend nice evenings playing here in Flyordie and you can play with nice people.But the disappointment is very big when you see that the assistants of moderators play with a program and have no ! and tighten up here the players who play fair.I entered the game vonThe_Best_Dragon exact his moves at Checker program by Cruncher was immediately shown to me the player plays with a program. And which assistant plays with 2 nick ?I also discovered that his partner is also assistant of Moderartoren!!! My question is who made the two as assistant moderators ?
The Forum is there to describe a problem and we have a problem by Checker game !!! 
When 2 Players mess up the whole game system 
I deliberately chose the theme to show that you can never achieve such a high score if you play fair 

With Checker you have a chance to win only 25% of games and Draw more more than 60%
As you both described;I sent to moderators without further discussiion !!!
I have described exactly how on 2023.01.27 the to players"¢onde"and FERRARI FS 90 were Permanently banned by Flyordie Team.
At 2023.01.29 has the Player Portugal4ever ="¢onde"played here.The same applies to Ferrari FS 90 = EML 2023
Other players will be punished immediately; I have an example but first i have to ask because affected players;if I; that may publish here his name in Forum.

FlyOrDie will not tolerate using multiple nicknames in order to avoid banishments. Offenders of our rules might face permanent banishments on all nicknames used by them
Players are encouraged to report any activity, which breaches the rules for using the games.