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Dear mods, I have heard so many people complain about getting an oops when they try to write words like r0d. Fishing r0d for example. You can't actually write the word unless you exchange the 0 for the o. But those ones are the least of my concern. The worst ones are when the system puts two words together to make a censored word. For example try to say these two words back to back. 1st word is gets and the second word is hit. Try to say gets and hit back to back. The system reads it as get and then the second word is the banned word. Get Sh**__The system alerts and, in my case, for whatever reason, if anything I say like that trips the system, I get an automatic demerit. I have to write into the mods and ask why a demerit. Then it usually gets removed when they actually go back and check what I said. Can the developers not do something about the autocensor like remove it? Let us monitor ourselves in games. Just keep the report button active because it quite often isn't. If anyone feels like they are insulted or harassed, let them take care of themselves. Of course you would have to review each report to decide if a demerit is deserved. I would love to get more opinions, especially from people like me who get an oops and you think, for what? I didn't say anything. Help us out please.
Another thing that might be of great help is to give us a new option in games. When a harasser comes in our games, we can put the tape on our mouths so it hides him and mutes him but it does not mute us. Unless we PM, he can sit there and watch every word we say. Can you not make a button for us so that we can kick whoever we want out of our game? Out of the room completely. These two things would actually be of great benefit to us and probably save the mods a lot of work and aggravation.
Hello HappyMealLover❤️, 

A few months ago this topic came up in the Reversi room while a moderator was present. 

The moderator said that there were considerations for making chats in game rooms (not in the lobby) to private chats by default. But that the players can make them public, if wanted.  

I don't know whether those plans have been pursued any further. Maybe an admin or a moderator finds the time to give us an update.

Kind regards,
That's sounds interesting John. It would be nice to know if that has had any further consideration. Hopefully we'll get some sort of response. Always good to hear your thoughts John.
You can put that in request to developers
hello HappyMealLover❤️, you just have to mute him and you won't read his writings.   good late afternoon and good games.
Ainara, yes I know or put the X on in games which is the tape over the mouth emoji. Either way it does mute the harasser and even hides his profile but it does not stop him from reading what you write unless you chat in PM with the person you're playing.
So, rather than have to keep PMing, it would be nice to click on him and hit the eject button.

f I understand the subject correctly, you receive demerits for words that are not normally insulting or vulgar. There is indeed what we call disguised language (example; sal/oupe, konare (asshole) and still many others the list is long.
There are words that are used and have a similar spelling that could be confusing, but as you said, moderation rectifies in 90% of cases.
All a long, very long series of words have been observed and listed and classified in their own language by the collaborators (knowing and mastering the language and its futilities) working on and for the Flyordie site for many years. These lists are classified and used by "Automod". Which doesn't mean there couldn't be a mistake from time to time.
It is enough to use the appropriate words in simple language, in a context where it is not necessary to use large sentences to use the games and have a good time with friends.

As for reading a private message and which would be read by a third party, this is totally impossible. This topic has been raised in other posts before.

How could you, whether as a guest or with a nickname while being in "mute" status or not, read the private messages exchanged by two other players?

As for the accessories, an eject button, only moderation owns and has the right to use this application. Such an application could be MISUSED.

To have a good time with friends and be able to use the games in a pleasant way, just follow the rules of use and users

Sincerely  catsgirls
Let me clarify. What I said was, while you can mute the harasser and he will go hidden so you don't even see his nick, just hidden player. But he can still read every word we write unless we do talk in PM. But,we don't want to talk in PM forever and these harassers will stay the entire time you're there. So yes, we can talk in PM and then he can't read us but, rather than continuously PM, wouldn't it be easier to click on his nick and hit the eject button though he could probably come right back or log out and back in and start all over. Or, as someone mentioned to me recently, another cosideration is to mute games by default or basically make conversation in games in PM by default although retain an option to turn off the PM if you so desire.
Actually, since I wrote this forum, the mods have helped me out somewhat. Twice now, while talking with my gf on here, I wrote a word than ended with sh and then said it after that. I believe I said wash and then it. Before it would put the sh from wash with the it and that made a restricted word. But this time, I did not get an oops and a demerit. Instead I merely got a beg pardon and no demerit so I'm thankful for that much. As much as I try to watch whenever I use two words back to back like that, I get typing away and hit send and don't even realize the problem. So, thanks mods for not giving me a demerit for such a silly thing.
The amount of times I've done the exact same... crazy.  The other day I wanted to say "wish it was Friday", I get an "oops"!
neanderthal autocensor lost all my dices cuz of it , hundreds  if not thousands of normal words censured , and like the OP said the two consecutives word making 1 'bad word' is non sense , trying to correct it we gettin oops again cuz we dunno wheres the mistake
Why doesn't his happen to everyone? Any explanation? 
regards,  Aurora