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TARGET #10243
TARGET #10243
TARGET #10243
OUR NEW TARGET block# 10243 
This target block cleared.
Edited by KRİSTAL3
This target block cleared.  Thanks to all splatters. :)

it took 389 days. 
We cleared 245900 monsters at the target block and 235047 invasions. 
Daily invasions approximately 605.
My choice for the next target is the south block, #10383.

if there are people vote for another blocks, we can go for the most voted one.
An army of 70000 monsters is awaiting you towards east.
An army of 10000 monsters is awaiting you towards north.
An army of 25000 monsters is awaiting you towards north.
We are close to clear this one.  

Next target block options:
1. #10279, the northest, initiaiiy 500K
2. #10314, next to source block, initially 1 million
3. #10383, the southest block, inially 500K

which one do you want as our next target block?