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Enough is Enough
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Enough is Enough
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Enough is Enough
I know there are  a lot of players here who constantly get harassed by a certain player including myself called urindangr. 

Yesterday he took it to a different level by making remarks to another player about the race and colour of his skin and also warning another player with the fact that he knows the players address and to be careful or he would take action etc. 

even more worrying was the fact that after making vulgar remarks the guy who he was making the remarks to was then given a demerit lol  and urindangr goes free without any punishment whatsoever.

Every time i log into play this game im greeted with constant harassment from this player saying in the lobbies that im a path player  and that ive somehow hacked this nickname i use because its an old one.

1- i stream most of my games and clearly i do not use  a "path"  and will gladly prove it to each player who asks me to prove.

2- i made this account nearly TWENTY years ago for my then girlfreind to use when we were both just 14 hence the amount of games on the account ( not many considering how old this account is ).

the fact that you are so upset with life is quite simply you have put 11 years of your life trying to be good here and to feel loved because you clearly dont get it else where for 1 or 2 "path" users to come along and take it all away from you , quite frankly i would be frustrated too but you really dont have to take it out on the whole world.

i will send my screen shots of the vulgar remarks made and threats made and hopefully FOD will do the right thing.

Thanks  L.a.S.g.O
About the offensive language from him I agree, he always starts with it when hes out of arguments (if he ever had any), it's just attention seeking, he does not want people to forget about him. Just random guy getting repeatedly perm banned, now trying to behave like a role model.

About the address it's more than laughable to be honest :D the only "action" he can do is order a pizza, so i would not be worried about that.
Indeed, thank you for raising awareness lasgo, he has since been dealt with and been given a 4 day demerit.

Hopefully he learned his lesson and will know better than to say such profanities on a family site ever again.
Well ms lasgo if your 33 using path on hacked nicks by old buddy marko I don't know what to say to you. He showed me how he ddos attacks 2002/2003 nicks before sweetheart. Mark aka the one who brags about stealing peoples credit card information to pay for you, mike, walleed, zab, roberta etc subs. Btw yes I do know his address so you might not be getting any free subs for a while unfortunately as I have been in touch with australian authorities.

I said walleed (let's tango) is on my "blacklist" along with you and your so woke you see that as racist shows how pathetic you really are. Obviously you were stalking on guest as usual as you wasn't even there. You really should man up you delicate left wing cancel culture fairy. You could easily just mute me instead of following me around all my games provoking for a reaction so you can come crying here.

What's most convenient is that you can't remember what your old nicks are so we can see your true level and the fact you have been banned multiple times. Your "I stream most of my games" front you copied off the french midget is embarrassing. You streamed maybe one match in six months horribly and refused to stream when you played me in which you made 3 centuries in 3 frames. Go figure.

You flip flop between yellow ball and 1500 level so frequently it's hilarious. You really are the quick snooker version of no-hope. Probably even worse than your girlfriend Roberta at this point. When you are done biting all the pillows I highly advise you take a long hard look in the mirror. Evaluate your life instead of living a lie on a online billiard site in order to briefly escape your miserable existence. Unemployed incognito keyboard warriors galore.

Btw Is your favorite lasgo track cry, alone, lying, nonce or possibly out of my mind? We can see why you resonate so well with this band. Indeed, enough is enough.

Take care, God bless you.
marty i keep forgetting you even exist.. got nothing better to do then to sit here making up lies about all of us to make us look like were some bad criminals...   

your only doing it because your bored i know. but may i suggest a solution such as getting a part time job?  mite i suggest flipping burgers at mcdonalds mate... if you start now you will get promoted to store manager in a few years time. 

i really think flipping burgers would be a great job mate.. plus its decent pay and you wont be bored and sitting on here harrassing and abusing everybody or starting rumors or lies about half of fod... as ull be to busy making out burgers lol jokes but seriously. consider the job!

i will forward your local mcdonalds restraunt your resume over so expect a call from them with your interview date.

always happy to help people in fods SEU  unit mate.. any time just ask ok i will help how i can
Querying why only a 2 day demerit for lasgo. A very light punishment imo for her disgusting abuse and path use.
Thx for listening fod, but I think the same penalty given to dark ages would be more suitable.