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Dear Moderators
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Dear Moderators
Question. Been a couple of tournament games visiting as a guest.Is it right for someone called "vampire diaries" to insult another player during tournaments?And then knowing the player involved is too fair not to report him?Where are the mods during tournaments?
If anyone is being insulted they can use the “Report Abuse” feature and then mute them.  If they decide not too, what do you expect to be done about it?

Moderators cannot always be present, they have lives too.

It bothered you that much that you continued to spectate as a guest and not report it, yet you chose to air it on the forum? 🧐
Well. What you are saying basically is why u (me) is not reporting something and posting it on the forum. Two remarks about that... 1 is that i post something on the forum if i decide to. That is not up to you.Right? Secondly i know if someone reports something...most of the times nothing happens.So what is the use of reporting ? Mods basically do not do anything!