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How to delete the account completely?
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How to delete the account completely?
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How to delete the account completely?
Hello, I don't want to lose and lose and lose nearly every bgammon match because of my opponents get the one and only dice to win. It's not 1 or 2 or 3 matches...it's 10 matches in a row and that is annoying! I'm feeling fooled and I have no fun playing here anymore. Please tell me how to quit my account.
Hallo Du
können Sie Ihr Konto mit der erhaltenen E-Mail zur Bestätigung Ihrer Registrierung mit dem Benutzernamen „Mediano“ deaktivieren. Sie verfügen daher über alle erforderlichen Informationen, um Ihr Konto zu deaktivieren.

Hello ,
You can deactivate your account by using the email received for confirmation of your registration with the username "Mediano". You will therefore have all the necessary information to deactivate your account.