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FORGED and HARASSING Nicknames of me.
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Dear Moderators
FORGED and HARASSING Nicknames of me.
Posted in 
Dear Moderators
FORGED and HARASSING Nicknames of me.
Hiya dear Moderators and OP's,

Please help. This is too much!
There is an Imposter at 8-Ball a good friend told me a clone was there! They are! The nickname was made today it's LADYinRED! I made mine in 2014! It is not the first time it was made over the years. The Moderators have been fair and understanding of this. One of them even copied my picture!!
It is against FlyOrDie's Rules to do this. 

Also, I just got a PM from a good Othello Friend, it is: read what I had typed Lady..Richsullivan is having all the lady in red nicks..he is acting like a woman to entice men he also wonder-woman is him!

Ok to make it much worse for me, last week Lady-Is-Dead came in. An assist. MOD assured me it would be banned. Seems it was! 

However last night "lady is dread came in. Some of us reported it!

Tonight another one appeared, "lady not wed."

Please I beseech You to punish this. I feel harassed, Bullied, hurt and now just plain mad. Which of me is unusual.

As Contessa I have been here at this beloved game site since 2008.

Please put an end to this terrorist and Online CATFISH!

"What type of person is a catfish?
A catfish is someone who uses false information to cultivate a persona online that does not represent their true identity. This commonly involves using stolen or edited photos, usually taken from an unwitting third party."

I love it here a fun safe Family site. It has been an online vacation home! Especially throughout 2 years of Covid!

In 8-Ball I saw a 	
Translator a MOD, I felt relieved. But had not seen the Fake lady in red yet, so I missed him when I returned to the Lobby.

Thor and Goddess, cheers, and to all Moderators Thank you all for keeping this clean from sick, sad souls that are here only for their own devious and cruel motives!

Yours in love and service,



To be fair, when I went to 8-Ball to see this, I warned people there as well as in Othello.

To be fair and above board, I did not notice •łаdу іη яєd•
who like me has been here since 2008. I do not feel threatened by her.  Therefore, after I was promptly corrected by her it was cool. I did see she uses the same "Lol." as for me.

Soya,  I left feeling we were simply lady in red kinda soul sisters. 

-Hopefully, there will be no others allowed.-

Again, my undying gratitude for all You do for us! For this brilliant Forum. For constantly improving things for us, and for often listening and taking our suggestions! 

Yours in love and service,

Hello, Contessa and lady-in-red.

As a assistant moderator, i feel sorry whats happening to you both. I've seen a lot forged nicknames,  and believe me "Flyordie" will not tolerate that, any type of break rule, will be punished,"Rules" are very clear.

And again, sorry. 
Dear Blood23,

As an assistant moderator, I feel sorry for what's happening to you both.

> Thank You, I a most grateful for Your sympathy!
 I've seen a lot of forged nicknames, and believe me "Flyordie" will not tolerate that, any type of breaking rule will be punished, "Rules" are very clear.

>Ain't that a shame so many of us are being bullied, stalked, terrorized, and harassed!! You dear, MODS, Assist. MODs and OPs have Your work cut out for You. What a pity so much time and energy are being wasted on Online Catfish, lonely mentally ill, sad Souls, and/or just plain EVIL people.

I feel safe, calmer protected, and confident that You will keep getting rid of them!

I have heard people can hide their IP address which if so, makes it more complicated for Y'all!

I am aware that all of You generously donate Your time. You are volunteers.

My heart goes out to You for being Our FlyOrDie Angels! :)

A Shout Out----> to You loving and pure-spirited people!!

And again, sorry.
 >Thanks again  Blood23! I will look for what games You like to play because it would be grand to play with You one day if You'd like to.

And, of course, You are more than welcome to drop into Othello. I assure You if You do, I/We will welcome You with open arms! :))*>

God bless and keep us all.

 Yours truly,

Just Judy *

I must agree lady-in-red, IP changing address is complicated, but Flyordie is working agains't those kind who actually is on ban evasion for doing clones nickname etc... I'm not just a assistant moderator, i work for Flyordie players community, not just to look at threats,breaking rules but having a good conversation with you all in room thats what i like the most.

It will be a pleasure to play with you. Meet me in 8 ball, during evening, you are welcome lady-in-red. 

Thank you again.
Yet again this sick fool is at it. The nicest, kindest, most sweet person on fod, is targeted by one of, if not the worst individuals who comes here.
I play Contessa nearly every evening and see two stalkers who come and sit and watch her saying nothing, ( though both sometimes pm me. ) They come with the purpose of intimidating her only. They come every night.
Now she has to endure this idiot too.
There is much love across the lobby for You Contessa, and many who will help.
Anytime You need it, You know I'm there for You with any loving, cuddling , hugs You need !!!!
I've got Your back. I know plenty here have it too.
Love You !!