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Punishment to the cheaters !
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Punishment to the cheaters !
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Punishment to the cheaters !
Me and i believe that all players who play FlyOrDie billiards are tired of watching the cheaters who use the program constantly play the game. Every day they influence the game in some way, winning tournaments, taking points from players who fight for rating, etc. We want the punishments to appear! You constantly say that program use is detectable but we are the first to know. You permanently banned my old account that I was almost 10 years old on for a reason that to this day cant be understood. The reason was, for all players wondering about it yet, was that I was constantly calling program a user who played on the site. Thats what the FlyOrDie Moderator Team told me! Is this grounds for a ban? A permanent ban? Ive really been wanting to get answers since December 2021. Players must be ban: ***** etc etc etc... among many other accounts that I cant remember right now.Hear the words that frequent players on the site are telling about, because we are the ones who watch the cheating happen all the time!

[Edited by: Player_No1 on 12.04.2022 07:13]
I agree. Sometimes I think the top 20 of 8 b8 ball are 6 players. And yes there a lot of cheaters in 8ball with several nicks and go around the system with other ipadresses and using on and of programs. I think also the mods do their best there can. But the cheaters are going around the system and then it's hard to detect. The mods no but they haven't got hard proof. So it's a difficult situation for them. But yes players like no hit=Ant, Six, Furiouz= call, Crazy Player=csoma Nothingness, etc etc, they were all banned. But they come back with new and several nicks. For what reason don't know. But what I do now is that cheaters at the end always get caught. But yes it's frustrating and not fair you play players who never misses and go around the system. But they gonna be banned again sooner or later. 
Can you please try to stop letting it bother you?

I know its annoying that you work hard and take care about something and its wished away from you unfairly but you have to know this: Worrying about banned nicknames is pointless, I know you got a nice old date on your profile maybe some dices but your rich, you dont need vip. Enjoy your current nick and realise that you can often create a clan, educate the people who care about you the way i did and actually change the morals together, I know you can do that.

Invest your time wisely and i know you love billiards, You see what NBK and UBR does, Your a leader figure, realise that. I believe you can be a top notch wise leader in a community with clantags and people you unite with and actually make a diffrence, what you do now makes no diffrence.

Hope you understand me,
The 1 & Only UBR Leader.
i continue to hear about "cheats" and some bot cheat...

mate listen ive googled for hours and searched all over the net..

i cant seem to find any such program or PROOF that such a program exists.. there is 1 video on youtube which was made over 10 years ago which is most likely fake.

when your good and play good and have people come in and critize your playing and your skill level by calling you a bot or cheat it doesnt feel very good.

so there fore.. i wish to end this silly parade right now once and for all. it is my opinion that no such program does exist and all it is... is a MYTH.

unless somebody can provide us with a picture, video, website or anything that prooves such a program exists then i ask for everyone stop making such a big deal about it.

so unless you can show me hard proof.. dont reply with "yes it exists" or "ive seen someone use it"  i want a screen shot or a picture or someone saying they use it.. anything like that...

sick of everyone going on about a myth..

i will believe it when i see proof you shouldnt believe everything u get told..thats all i am saying.

Sorry Macro Words. But there are players who go around the system and cheat.Thatsa a a fact! In the past there were many who were banned because of using a path or program. I agree there are some players that are good. But people who hit every ball, in every circumstance that's impossible. I see you are also 90+ provent wins in snooker and 100 procent in the other snooker game. I play from 2006. On and of I am a average player. But I am not blind to see that people are cheating or go around the system. Just like the game checkers. There are many program players. So please wake up. You can be good I agree But never miss a ball and when people watch deliberately miss a ball, it's obvious they are cheating. 
Macro nerds, if u dont know what u are talking about, please stay in silence !!!! WAKE UP. Program is happening all the time and it is destroying the site. 
Guys seing prog everywhere 
And everybody I’m not No-Hit stop asking me thx