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Best Snooker Players of 2021
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Best Snooker Players of 2021
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Best Snooker Players of 2021
1. Gary
2. Ant
3. Robert
4. Kieran
5. Roger

Update - Ant #1 Gary #2 Robert #3 Kieran #4 Mateus #5.

I went back and looked at stats this year ant 147 and mateus 146 for change the list.
Hello super topic
my best wishes to all for this future year
My top 5 for me:
# 1 Ant we know him, he is not appreciated but his level is still incredible.

2 # Robert this player will have surprised us all year long both by his level of play and his evolution over 1 year. well done

# 3 cats of strategic choices and a significant potential to make a 147 soon

4 # tiger os he has a lot of accounts but when he is in good shape it is difficult to face this player.

5 # Not really active but Gary stay on my top 5. The potting machine of flyordie snooker with Anthony.

Anthony put himself at number 1 hahaha what a surprise, this guy is really crazy xD 

1. Anthony/Gary
2. Anthony/Gary
3/4/5. tiger os & Ronald Flexibel & Kieran
Hard to say places, but many others were also vgood (Mateus, Ghiles, Roger, cats paw, lapoueze etc.).

I think I am the best than Jimmy Bright
I dont even play snooker lol ...
Cat's paw 

Tiger os 


The heisenberg 


All the others mentioned in Roberts post are all his friends he plays open break where they just set each other up for high breaks lol so I wouldn't put any of them up there to be honest 
3.Anthony(when he don't use path to make 147)
4.Tiger os
Yeah bit funny one more saying another player uses path when he makes a 144 as soon as this path comes out after 15 years without a 140+ and Robert on a 2009 nick nobody has heard of all of a sudden makes a huge improvement out of nowhere with 145 and multiple 1000+ ratings. Putting Gary #1 when he only plays red balls is hilarious too and ant when everyone knows he uses a program to top it off.
What a comedy. Only decent players on that list is tiger os and cats paw. Rest need open tables or software assistance 
Also if a mod could clarify to me why mr sheep was perm banned for using path on Paulie walnuts he can continue to play but others cant?
Paulie was banned because I was told I'm only allowed 3 names...I have The Scientist Chasing shadows and obviously this name...I couldn't get dots on Paulie so I asked to keep The Scientist instead. Appreciate your concerns about using path but I don't need to test anything with it...The game isn't exactly challenging anyone can make good breaks with open frames all it takes is concentration. I thought you'd have something better in life to do than still bum around this game on guest observing everyone. What happened to you anyway? Marko Callum Mike Rob and Waleed wouldn't share the path with you? So you threw your toys out the pram again? 
Replies to Fabinho and mr M.
People I mentioned are people (exception is Gary, I did not play many with him, but watched his games) who I know and I agree with that. That's why I played a lot of games with them and I know their level, is it so strange? :| 

The list I made is my personal opinion and noone has to agree with that.. but why do you need to attack me?
You said that I play only open frames with them? With Ronald, tiger os I think I never played open frame even once. With Ant I met in the tourneys when we did not open aswell, with Kieran I played multiple open frames, just because we both like that, but also we played many proper bo5 matches, so where is the point? 

And to mr M, 
The probability that hardly anyone knows me from the past is high, mainly because I was a kid/teen back then and I did not even know english language at enough level to communicate, so I did not talk with people.. Now things have changed and I can chat with people (I don't say that my english is perfect, because it's not, but I think people can easily understand me and I understand them) so now many people know me. If you need to know so badly, ask Rulez™, who played many games with me and we talked a lot (because he is from Poland too) and he told me to practice a lot, because I can be much better in the future. 

And the last thing, about using any software, it's so funny for me that I should not even reply to that, but I will tell you that I never played so much at billiard games as this year, maybe finally I got some consistency. 

That's all, cheers.
There should be a place for Mateus in that list.
No sir they wouldn’t I’m not in that inner circle like you are nor would I want to be. Paulie was banned well before you even made chasing shadows anyone can check the dates you fool. Mike admitted you were nick sharing after you both got banned and that he gave you the path when you asked him for it plus the scientist doesn’t even have any dots so idk what you’re trying to get at?

I couldn’t even care you use/used it but don’t accuse Seby / ant etc of using it. I don’t use guest I’ve seen enough to know you’re very average and not capable of 144 i.e., 10-0? 5-0? 5-0? Beat you in every tournament? You being included in anyone’s top 5 shows how dead billiards is now. The only one that uses guest is you Sir unless it's some coincidence one shows up when you leave every single time. Bumming around? My friend you're an unemployed 40 odd year old bald headed spectacled sheep chaser that plays on touchpad lying in bed all day waiting on an imaginary missus named Steve to finish his nightshift, you're in no position to use terms like that.

Cheers. Happy new year x 
The best players are the players who won the most tournaments that year.
Marty is that  you? You've had me blocked for ages how in the world could we have that convo...
Ant' is the only player i know from billards, a former Tanx player called GOLD_MR was it? :)

Nice to know you become good in another game.

Have a good 2022 my old mate! ;)
I will try to be fast. 

Happy new year. 
Thanks for include my name on your lists I’m glad 

I will reply to Kieran. I don’t need to use paths for make a 147 It was my 3rd in  2 years (or maybe I’m used another one before ? ((lol))) 

I never played tanx, and I don’t know it work. 

I’m back after 7th January.. see you take care 

I appreciate your concerns marty.

I have never used path and never will simply don't need it.

top 5 top 10 top 100 top 1000 doesn't matter I just enjoy playing the game, Just thought i'd share my opinion on the topic. 

As for your comment about guests I legit don't think I have ever used one in all my years on this game, Not really sure how you can know so much about everything that's going on with the game and every player when you don't play. So that doesn't make alot of sense does it.

As for me and Steve we are doing fantastic I appreciate you looking at for us around the holidays.

And obviously I'm sure you have gotten me mixed up with Mike/Rob ( a joking welshman who used/shared with mike etc ) And the bald 40 year old I think you mean Scotty another who used it but to each their own. 

Hope that clears things up for you bub happy new year
Kieran, I've seen your pic stick your pigeon chest in hahaha also your girl looks more like a man. Cya round scotty.
Also I'm the best you all play like ebdon in his prime. Get lives.
lol marty coming here to vent his frustration that he isnt getting any mentions. It was a year of great misery for him, getting repeated demerits and perm bans wherever he goes, probably the most banned player of 2021 haha
I'll be revealing my best snooker players of 2021 soon and what a shame marty will not be included in it :D
My list in no order


6 i know but these are best players i seen this year on here.
Vince deserves a mention aswell we played alot of great games last year.
Honourable mentions: hardball, scotty, peter the dolphin, ric
Thanks scotty and robert but i dont play snooker as much as all top players here...
I was about to be sure you were a Tanx player called Magical da.. but when your totally not lying i could have been mistaken.