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4th Snooker Open Reds Tournament
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4th Snooker Open Reds Tournament
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4th Snooker Open Reds Tournament
10 Players -------- Sub to the winner + Sub to player with HB 

10 players will play each other in round robin. Each match will be rt5. Each player will play each other ONCE.

Open reds (smash reds on start of break).
The player who is breaking reds will have the first shot. The opponent should tap or pass turn leaving his opponent a pot. 
Potted red on break, the 1st player will continue with the break.
No tip tap snookers.

1.	Peter
2.	Sully
3.	FSD
4.	Fret
5.	Crown
6.	Danny
7.	Cat
8.	One More
9.	Legendary
10.	Maykas
Optional players:
11.	Rick
12.	Mateus

I will make replacement as seem necessary or any player who is causing trouble delaying tournament etc.

Points Breakdown:

1 point per frame win
1 point for highest break of match
1 point per century
1 point for winning match

Tie breaker: If 2 players tied, then winner of their H2H match go thru. If 3 or more players tied the player/players with the HB go through to the semifinals.
Take screenshot of the final match score and century that can be used in case of conflict.


first semifinal: race to 7 (1 VS 4)
Second semifinal: race to 7 (2 VS 3)

Final: race to 10

Thx for the game m8

Won 5:2, highest break by me 95pts (y) B)
Tournament standings are on Facebook link below:

Note: Danny and Sullivan you guys have until Wednesday to play a match otherwise will be eliminated from tournament 
DJ and Testing will be replacing Sully and Danny in this tournament.

One More has withdrawn from tournaments. He played 2 matches all points will be reversed. 
 Total players: 10

Standings at end of 4/14/2021
Very tough fight for 3rd and 4th spots... Cat is pretty much guarantee a Semi final spot and Crown is looking gd too.

Players Points

Cat	54
Crown 	36
FSD	35
Legendo 26 
Peter   26
Maykas	26
Fret	13
Testing	10
Ric	4
DJ	3

Players Points
Cat 48
Crown 36
FSD 34
Legendary 34
Maykas 33
Testing 31
Peter 31
Fret 23

1st Semifinal: Cat vs Legendary
2nd Semifinal: Crown vs FSD

 HB of tournament so far: 120 by Cat
In 1st Semifinal Cats beat Legendary by 7-5 HB 80 (Cats). In 2nd Semifinal FSD beat Crown 7-4 HB 72 (FSD).

Final: Cats vs FSD race to 10 for the Cup & Sub
Cats won final 10-5 HB 75 (Cats)

Big Congrats to Cat's paw 93 for winning tournament and making HB of tournament 120. TWO subs are coming your way m8 wp