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Dear Moderators
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Dear Moderators
Forbid creating new players!! Every player should have only one competitor rather than 10!!! It is funny!!

Ty Shaun
There is some truth in what you are writing... I care only about so that nobody creates the player for in order to play for them in championships from anxiety that one's with "better player" will lose points. It is unfair.... And it is probably here about it so that the game is honest because differently it doesn't make sense.... And I will bet that it is a lot of players which have after a few of players not one whether two....

Good morning all ,
Hello Shaun, I also believe that there is a solution to this subject "one unique nickname per person".
Whether it is at the level of tournaments or matches in the gaming rooms (whatever the game chooses) as well as at the level of the multiple nicknames which are created in order to "clone" or also to believe themselves untouchable for a minority.
A single nickname would of course avoid playing the way you describe it and I agree with your reasoning.
But following a permanent ban for serious obstruction of the rules, what will happen?
Following a consecutive change of page or a doubt about the use of software you find on the right of the nickname a sign! , which indicates A POSSIBILITY of cheating ..... or a computer to the right of your nickname on your file

La modération a en sa possession la liste complète des pseudos apparentés suite a ID et IP , ce qui fait objet qu'ils savent gérer eux mêmes les situations litigeuses et les situations de tricheries au niveau des tournois , clonages , évasions pour éviter le démérite et ainsi de suite .
En attendant , faisons confiance au travail effectuer par l'équipe de modération .

Votre sujet , pour moi , et pertinent et soulève peut être une étude de la part de l'administration .

Bien a vous tous , catsgirls .
I know that it is a difficult subject but I think that he should be solved... Then the game will be even more just and there will be no players which graja in other accounts having 0 points are winning championships....
This will never be resolved due to the simple fact they can just use VPNS to get different IP's all the time. It's been the same for well over a decade. I feel the multiple nicks rule is absolutely pointless due to this. They get banned, and just do it again over and over. Not much you can do..
I don't know what then. These are solitary cases... (of theft).
I think that every player should have only one nickname. Then everyone would play with one player and aren't creating for 5 players and weak are playing in championships and good have points in the ranking... It is funny for me...
And how do you suggest they do that exactly? And what if someone forgets a pasword or his account gets stolen, then what? He could never play FOD again until he chages his IP adress?