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The 'oldtimer score' or 'dice' as some people call it is great way for players to identify the commitment and determination of a player.  Ranging from 1 dot, the "Inspired Rookie" all the way up to "FOD-GOD" which has 9 dots.

Oldtimer score is calculated mainly based on time spent by playing the games.  I personally believe your "oldtimer" score consists of total minutes played, if this is wrong, Admin can correct me.

My suggestion is to be able to see on my information page the progress of my "oldtimer score".  If a player knew he was say 5% away from going from 5 dots to 6 dots, then it will encourage them to keep playing to achieve that status, and so on.

A list of the days 'top oldtimers' is available to view here - 

Suggestions/comments welcome.
>It works for me. I think it's a mod only feature.

Absolutely, seeing the actual score has no benefit.  The bar is enough, it just moves soooooo slowly!!!
> by moving the mouse cursor over the dice (on your statistics info), your oldtimer score will appear.

It works for me. I think it's a mod only feature.


FlyOrDie Moderator Team
>by moving the mouse cursor over the dice (on your statistics info), your oldtimer score will appear.

This doesn't work for me?
by moving the mouse cursor over the dice (on your statistics info), your oldtimer score will appear.
>Please try again, and let us know if displays correctly for you.

Yep, display is perfect now.  Good job on this.
Our intention was to place the progress bar under the dice, but some browsers, especially Safari, may display it in the middle of the dice. 

We made a small change that probably fixed the layout issue. Please try again, and let us know if displays correctly for you. 
Alguem poderia me ajudar recuperar minha conta? isa_bella, pois n tenho mais acesso ao e-mail e nem lembro a senha, assinei e vou perder, pois n consigo acessar a conta.

Looks like this has been updated again, however, it’s now very unclear as the bar is in the middle of the dice so can’t see the progress bar.

It was fine as it was.
It would be even better with the score/games remaining to the next dot.
I just see a green bar, doesnt show how far it is off completing...
Good afternoon , 

A very good suggestion Lewis, can be submitted directly to the administrator. This app could encourage more towards subscription 

It was a very useful and good idea to propose and implement! Thanks to everyone I think :)
Thank you SO much for implementing this feature FOD :)