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A Large dose of nostalgia for the Legends.
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A Large dose of nostalgia for the Legends.
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A Large dose of nostalgia for the Legends.
I did a little digging and encountered a somewhat handy feature on the website.

We all had countless nicknames..however...some were lost, forgotten..and without the option to search them by a character on google due to them having special letters..I would like to present you with this.


What's This? A Player Search Engine, built into FOD.
This lets you look up old nicknames, special letters not required.

An Example..
@FTW Shadow aka Sam, I found one of your oldest yet not forgotten names that you once lost.
Яιժιŋ Ŧнє Յսllєт : Link : 

@Everyone, you can look up any name, literally.

Just thought I would share this to anyone who might have a visit sometime here for old times sake.

The game might have 0 players online..but if anyone ever wants to throw down like the old days I can still give anyone of any level a bunch of games for old times sake, no beef, not interested in bragging rights or anything I'm not looking to embarass anyone or myself, just offering my service as an old player for anyone who might wanna come back sometime and still get a fight, I assure you I can still play better than Tornado and countless other greats, I'm the one who never gets rusty :).

Best Regards, your old Rival, Warrior.
Oh, I forgot to mention one more thing.

When you find an old username on that search engine you're now able to see tournament history on each profile. This means you can go back and look at Tournament results dating back to the beginning of the game if you can find nicknames that were involved in them.

Some names you could look up to see some old results:
Pancho villa
Massacure UPR
Bryan BR
FTW Warrior 
XC Mystery
UAG Logik
UAG Ocerk
Solware Xs

Just go search some you might remember and have fun reading old data.
There are countless names that have Tournament history dating back to the early days of the game. I saw a lot from 2003-2004 onwards. It's nice to see some of the old history even tho it's been almost 20 years since those matches.

I thought maybe some of you old legends of the game would like to take a trip down memory lane so there ya go.

Take Care guys.
FTW Undisputed/Jeff,

This is really awesome to be able to search old nicks. I tried YMWNKM and shows 18888 (lots of 8's) battles. I remember stopping playing it when it was all 8's like that, I think.

I might try search other ones I had.

Ye, i use it for FOD FanSite aka Player of the Month, aka Unsubbed Toplist. 

What i don't understand is why this feature was never added years ago..why now when everyone is gone...ugh..
It was added for the players of chess, checkers, billiards and not specificly for a game like Tanx.

Game was suppose to die its what FOD wanted and they got what they wanted because they are controlling and deciding it so i just moved on, gave up. 

Didnt played Tanx after what happened with UBR Heineken in February 2020, a year sub wasted after 1 day, unlogical because there was no cheating evolved. 

Just gonna live with the fact that and the onebip is being 17 times more expansive is the end of a era and it will make UBR inactive on Tanx by it (except players like Assumption and Zama)

Cheerz for the reaction mate, Im understandable about your position but keep a eye on tournies like me because well never know the futher in this once active game brings still. :)
what time you guys usually go on?
No specific time since the game is legitimately dead. If you want me to play you gotta tell me a specific date/time here on forums so I can jump on then lol.

Every time i login there's legit nobody on..so yeah..best way is sadly to schedule times.

ahh okay, I left it on for like 4 hours in the lobby, nobody was around.. plus I notice on flyordie rooms it should show 1 ppl in the room, but it seems its not working...maybe you can fb message me through flyordie tanx fb so i ll know when ur on..