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Why do players feel it necessary to accept a match, score 1 point in the first end and leave? or the second they go up by a point no matter when in the game they quickly leave.  just to gain an extra point and drop my own points?  it is extremely frustrating.  I have a real hard time upping my points when people constantly do this to me.  
Just play a full match or if you don't have time for a full match then mention that so the person you are playing can decide if they want to leave or not. 

2 ends is still bogus because if the other person has the hammer to start and you steal {which is a lot harder than just getting 1 point with the hammer}, then they have the hammer again and can score 2 points and win. 4 ends seems like the lowest amount of ends to have a "fair" game.
You're absolutely right. They are poor sports and ruin the game for the rest of us.  Two ends minimum, thus allowing both sides the chance to have the hammer.

Some people here are very childish/ weak. Once you play enough games, you can choose the number of ends you want to play and that will remove this type of behavior.