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Mr.Century enquiry
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Mr.Century enquiry
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Mr.Century enquiry

This player is clearly cheating in snooker vs players such as 'DღOღRღA' '♥♫♪LoUzA♫♪♥' 'hannibal' and many more to increase his rating and break stats. I also believe he has been banned many times and is in permanent ban evasion. He is harrassing players to pay for his subs and crys when he does not get his way. Midlard was not interested when asked about the matter for some reason so im posting it here for a response. He claims his name is Anthony but not the real Anthony for what its worth.


hello , delighted to see that my name is so important on this game .. my game is still well descriptible it seems to me to know when I am playing , so doubts about Mr Century do not have places to be , it is not me anyway ... does it claim to be me? I talked to DORA who herself is quoted in this very constructive post forum that tells me herself not to give points to this player , and only plays it , so I think moderation can observe its games played , All you have to do is report the nickname of MR Century to cheat, As for my subject I have been in a permanent evasion  , but if you do not want any more competition at some games continue like this , I am only there to play and destroy you

Mr century if you see this post I hope you really don’t try to pretend to be me , my reputation is made, good luck if you want to go in this direction There is only one better player and it’s only me bye

Anthony the best and the only one ANT 
Yes your reputation is made alright.

Can't decide what's more tragic your singing ability or your lying ability.

A moderator is not going to publicly embarrass you. Your false bravado is evident

If your online >40 hours week and posting at 6am I think it becomes more than a game.

Realising you have a problem is the first step towards salvation, Anthony.

All the best
Yeah. Mr.Century is Anthony ! I told it weeks ago but no one mod ban him. And you Anthony, are not the best here, just bad and fluker player ;)
No I am not Mr Century but thanks you , I’m the best ;)
Hi Mateus

Yes its really obvious to me also. The cheating , harassing, sitting and crying combination leaves no question marks.

I agree Anthony would not even make into my top 20 there are many superior current and past players who dont need to inflate their ratings and stats to feel relevant. Just a wannabe.

Yeah James, exactly ! The mods shouldnt ban him because is using different ip number of conection. Probably friends did this new cheat nick for him. A week ago he play me and told he would come to room with an another one nick Poil De Carotte for playing vs me again and he did it in 1 min. But obviusly i already to knew Mr.Century is him !!!
I have the new 4.0 path if anyone wants it
Ohh anthony cloitre

Blatant cheating in 8 and snooker like always, have to respect the consistency to the acquire the magical couronne, won't help change the fact you stain your pants every time u play me. 2 izi. Don't use too much tissue when u get reset and banned like always there is a shortage! 

Have a good un
Sorry, no one will ever be as good as Domi
at cheating or playing, domi?
reset 2x and banned, good job thor. U can ban f anthonys new nick now too. Ta