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I had like 170 points, I logged in and now I have 0
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I had like 170 points, I logged in and now I have 0
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I had like 170 points, I logged in and now I have 0
I had like 170 points, I logged in and now I have 0. WTF happened?
 I dont know what the problem is. It is just a matter of playing a few games to get back the points you have lost. If you cant, that means you dont belong to that chess point rank anyway
I don't understand why it is "normal" that you lose points if you don't play. To me it's quite unfair.Some people have not the choice to stop playing for a while. And all the hardwork spent on chess on your platform, trying to be the best, should guarantee at least a stable position in the ranking. Otherwise it is quite discouraginge even for beginners.
By observation I know they lose 1 point per day.  I’m not sure if there’s any other rules to it.  You could always cry louder though..
All registered members lose points if they do not play often.
This is normal.