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Tournament September 24. Blackout server at 8:41 pm central europe time
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Tournament September 24. Blackout server at 8:41 pm central europe time
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Tournament September 24. Blackout server at 8:41 pm central europe time
SERVER CRASH during curling tournament September 24, 2019: all players were hit by a server crush, which has made it impossible for the tournament to be completed, with about 20-25 minutes left to play. Could not enter the tournament room after the last game with 20 (25) minutes remaining. In addition, in the tournament list there are some matches that have never taken place with fictitious results, of which some players finally have received too many and others too few points.
watch the tournament again, we were all disqualified :D

PS: during the 20 min. “blackout”, the system invented matches and results which never happens. Example:: Fusion-Coyacan game for 6 times!!!, among others, including myself, It seems like the server crash and ”crazyness” was worst in western Europe. 
they should eliminate this fake tournament

This tournament was a disaster.  Players not being placed in new games for the last 20 minutes, in addition, it took about 5 minutes for me to be paired with an opponent when it usually takes less than one in the first half hour of the tournament.

I understand that computer glitches happen, but FoD should make amends to the players.  I propose extending the subscriptions of all participants in this tournament by 7 days.  Hopefully by the next tourney, the problem will be fixed.

Also, the problem should be fully explained by FoD in this forum.
sorry, at aprox 9:40 pm CET