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Player Information Update
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Player Information Update
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Player Information Update
First impressions of the player information page is it certainly is an improvement of the older page. I like the ratings history graph, thanks for reminding me I go downhill, ha! (but honestly a good addition) All games listed on right hand side is a great idea. Dunno if its teething problems as it's new but mine are not accurate, I certainly don't have 443 points in G0-Moku or 41 points in Curling as it is showing on my page now. The 3 dots when clicked brings up only the report abuse link, it seems a bit redundant to have a 3 dot link that just brings up one link. Would seem easier to just have the worded link "report abuse" there instead of having to click on the buttons first then clicking on the link. (would be easier for members to find also?) I would like to see more statistics added to the new page that were on the old page - count of matches and win/loss ratio. Couple other suggestions is maybe more reports viewed on the results section (currently only 20) and I am not too keen on the subscriber star next to my name, prefer the smaller gold one. But all things said, does look better than the old page. Wonder what other updates the site have in store?!?
> I certainly don't have 443 points in G0-Moku or 41 points in Curling as it is showing on my page now
It shows the rating without the usual daily reduction. We will fix it soon, so it will show the actual rating. 

> it seems a bit redundant to have a 3 dot link that just brings up one link
That is intended, "Report Abuse" is a negative, unfriendly message, so we hide it in a popup menu. Facebook and similar sites do the same thing usually. 

> count of matches and win/loss ratio
It is a frequent request, we will look into it. Until then you can calculate the values from the win/draw/loss counters.

hoat, are you part of creating this i have some suggestions of you are...get back to me.
I'm not sure if hoat4 is a mod/admi,but nice to see that he/she is keeping players update, well done.
Yes, I've implemented the new playerinfo page.