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Move on foul in 8-ball.
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Move on foul in 8-ball.
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Move on foul in 8-ball.
We really need to decide on how to deal with the players who still think you're not allowed to move the cue ball after a foul.

The competition rules clearly states "If the shooter commits a foul, play passes to his opponent. The cue ball is in hand, and the
incoming player may place it anywhere on the playing surface."

It would be a completely different game without that rule, where the fouling player could use it to his or hers advantage. Why should the opponent pay for the foul? It's utterly reasonable that the fouling player should have a penalty. It has nothing to do with fair play as some say. 

The same rules apply to both players and it makes for a far more interesting game.

I will continue to move on fouls and I expect my opponents to do the same.

If you don't like it, don't play me.

Kind regards,

That is technically not true at all.

You CAN move the white, in 8 ball, but you cannot put it south of the white line, and must play a shot down the table. Thats the rules in real life, anyway!
They could make a feature (for subscribers), where you can choose to play with move, or without. Just like choosing playing with Pro rules or not. Think it would make a great addition to the game, since there is so much fuss about it. Although, I mostly experience this "issue"... say 300pts and down. 
To nutfieldnutter:

That's technically not true at all.

First, Eke said his opponent didn't even let him move the cue ball after a foul, and you said it can, but not placing anywhere on the table... I think you have misunderstood him...

Also, where do you find that you have you place the cue ball behind the white line??? And it's even a real life rule???? I have searched many websites, but none of them mention that we cannot place the cue ball south of the white line. Instead, it says 'you can place anywhere of the playing surface, except on opening break'. FOD follow these rules and only let us place balls behind white line after opponent fouling on opening break. And I think you have misunderstood it, AGAIN...








If you don't agree, please find 7 websites for me showing that 'cannot place south of the white line' as evidence. (Don't use your daily experience as evidence, I won't buy it)
Nope, not if you look at the competition rules. Free ball anywhere on the table.

These are from the WPA rules for 8-ball:

"If the shooter commits a foul, play passes to his opponent. The cue ball is in hand, and the incoming player may place it anywhere on the playing surface."
Thats only if you do a foul after a break.
Otherwise you are allowed to move the cueball around the table. 

He is so right .Why not make the rules the way the game is suppose to be played ,by the real rules <?>
The rules right now are the real ones, the problem is some players still think that the bar rules are the real ones.