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Dear Developer & Operator
Requests to Developers
Dear Developer & Operator
Requests to Developers
Dear Developer & Operator
Hello there.

I noticed every Tournament held in Tanx is still for Subscribers only. I think perhaps it would be a lot better if it was for everyone like in the old days. Tanx barely has any active subscribers but a select few and that's realistically not benefiting the Tournament system at all.

If you made it for everyone, not just subscribers more people from other games would be able to take part and more people would be likely to start re-visiting the game more frequently perhaps putting new life into it.

Could you guys consider changing it from sub only to everyone being able to participate? It would be perfect. Nobody cheats these days anyway so banking wouldn't even be something to worry about.

Tanx is a very fun game once you get into it properly, the problem is the lack of players prevents users from consistently being able to play the game. Perhaps this would be a key way to revive the game a little so others can take part too?

Please consider it for the Tanx players,

Many thanks for reading.
I think flyordie need change tourney for all and give vip sub only to sibscribers ;) 
And we can play a lot of games :p
I'm sorry for that suggestion is a little absurd. You can't just take away ones eligibility to earn VIP just because he's not a subscriber, that would be very unfair to those who have taken part in Tournaments for an umber of years who are currently unable to subscribe. For some of them that VIP is their own method of staying subscribed which is why they compete for it and the Grand Prix. If you're determined to define why you feel your suggestion is a beneficial thing may i please ask you to post a thread of your own as i would like to keep this one on the topic at hand, kind regards.

I made this thread to catch the eye of the Dev/Operator so they could perhaps change the TANX tournament system to enable people who are forced to spectate tournaments because they cannot afford subscriptions to be able to take part instead. It would attract more people from other FlyOrDie games and increase the player base of TANX itself over time leading to more people subscribing in the future most likely too which would benefit both the players and the owners i would think not.

If any Admins or such actually read this please consider it, it would be greatly appreciated by a lot of users.

Kind Regards
Hi again Jeff.

A good idea, some points thought if I may..

>If you made it for everyone, not just subscribers more people from other games would be able to take part and more people would be likely to start re-visiting the game more frequently perhaps putting new life into it.

I couldn't agree more.  TANX used to be a very busy community on FOD, and now I notice the only people participating in the tournaments are mainly subscribers from other games too.. IF FOD was to make all TANX tournaments public then as you say, more TANX players can actually participate and get rewarded if finishing in the Top 5. :)

>Nobody cheats these days anyway so banking wouldn't even be something to worry about.

We both know this ins't entirely true.  I think if the tournaments were to become public then we will have the teaming issue slowly becoming more popular.. especially in tournaments when prizes get rewarded.  But, if moderated correctly, they'll be DSQ and punished accordingly so 
 be an issue.. :|

There is currently 4 TANX tournaments a month (which is a lot anyway..), I think FOD should make 3 for subscribers only and 1 public to get a feel for how the FOD community react towards it and then go from there..
Thanks for your feedback Lewis.

The classic Tournament should be made Public, without a doubt. That's how it worked years ago. People looked forward to Classic Tournaments because it was the one time of the month EVERYONE could compete, not just the subscribers. Obviously creating a larger mass of participants led to more competition in the game itself and a majority of those new faces that use to appear in that Tournament would frequently visit the game and become involved in it like the rest were in the past.

The game itself was once very enjoyable, the community i will admit was pretty toxic a majority of the time however there was also a lot of really good players and great people involved back then. You could login and see dozens online at any time no matter when and find a good match. Now you login and see 1-3 people online if any at all which is atrocious in comparison to previous generations on that game. 

As for moderation, yes you couldn't be more correct there. The game needs a fairly active Moderator to say the least. Especially in Tournaments these days. I wish Artik was still around.

I would love to see it change for the better and this seems like a good route to start on honestly.


Let's see how it goes shall we?
Fingers crossed it attracts more users..
Noticed it the other day, was disappointed due to the fact its held at 1AM where 3-4 of us who play are not normally online. Who knows, perhaps it will draw more players to the game, it's a hope for the best situation unfortunately now.

At least they made one Public Tournament though.
Still, you would see way more players if it were the CLASSIC tournament public instead.
No public classic tournament = no improvements.
That's the way it is. Classic Tournaments always attracted the most players in Tanx for years and years until it was changed. Once FlyOrDie made them subscriber only the participants dwindled to a handful of users.