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Tournament 11-07-2018
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Tournament 11-07-2018
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Tournament 11-07-2018
Tournament today. 

With 20 minutes left of the tournament, I could not play for the 1st placement, because players higher than me had retired with the "not disturb" sign. I couldnt challenge any other, because they had too few points in the tournament rank. I could not either defend my 3rd place and ended on a 4th place without game. Is really not possible to change the rules of the tournament??? I'm tired of this cheating and no sense of fair play. 
they should put only one option not to disturb per tournament, no 3.

your case seemed very unfair to me today, you deserve to win.
So this is the last year I subscribe and play tournaments, because its the same farce every time.
You are addicted to the points, statistics and your placement in these tournaments AIYANNA. Therefore, you will continue to subscribe, play and complain about the rules. It's only a game, try to remember that!!!
Newfound, rules of games can be changed to the better, because nothing in the world is static forever, except FoD maybe, LOL
I get what Anna means. Loads of players get to around 60 points in the tournament then decide to stick thinking that they have won it. It should’ve pulled Anna into matches & if she’d have won them & overtaken the people that decided to stick then tough luck on them. FOD needs an overhaul with some of these silly rules.
Precisly, Wullie. Everyone should have one to play against the last minutes of the tournament, although there is more than 16 points difference to the nearest player in the tournament ranking, in case some people want to sit and dream on the top of the Parnassos mountain !

I totally agree with Aiyanna, I play few tournaments myself but when I do I will play them out if I have a chance for a top 10. If I'm getting clobbered, which is most of the time, I bow out. But there are people who are leading with little time left that do seem to take advantage of it "at times". One way FOD can solve that would be that if you exit the tournament room before time is up you forfeit any points earned during said tournament.I have seen that happen as well. No DND or BRB option should be available to any player involved in tournament play either. My 2 cents, gc to all.