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 Big Rule Change: FIVE Rock Free Guard Zone Next Season
 Big Rule Change: FIVE Rock Free Guard Zone Next Season
 Big Rule Change: FIVE Rock Free Guard Zone Next Season
Hopefully someone at Flyordie is reading this. 

For next season there will be 5 rock free guard zone put into the general rules of play. Would love to see that changed here sometime between now and Sept. It would change the games here quite a bit. Here is a link to the newspaper article.

I totally agree with this, five rock rule much more interesting. Would be good if we could sweep our own rocks after opponent ticks as well. There are many times the tick just hung on but I could have swept it out causing a free guard zone violation
I don't think online curling needs the '5 rock rule'.  Scoring in online curling is much higher than in real life.

They're introducing this on the professional level because curling ratings are currently on a decline and they're attempting to get rid of the boring men's games.

Whenever I play in a 10 end game - 1 player is usually hitting 10 points - so I think scoring/offense is sufficient enough online.

I do agree with the sweeping though.

There are lots of times when I'm unable to sweep an opponents stone past the T-line.  And there are lots of times when I'm unable to sweep one of my own stones in motion as well.

Oh well, when I noticed your post missing in my thread I was hoping they'd got sense & banned you, got excited for nothing.

Concerning the O P its a good idea, doubt they'll implement it here.
They are now bringing it to the club level as it will be in the GENERAL rules of play. If we play with the 4 rock rule here. We certainly won't be playing curling as it will be know around the world for the next 4 years. 
Well I guess you're going to have to get off your keyboard and go play curling in the real world!

about Olympics effect and 330 players here today: if the game would apply 4 or 5 rock free guard zone, many players would stay here and dont desappear after 2-3 weeks, like we saw happened in 2014, shocked by some 100% takeouters players.
I'm an elite/high ranked player on this site - and I only play other elite/high ranked players.

I NEVER have an issue with low-scoring games.

You essentially need the equivalent of 1 pt/end to win a game.

So as an example - you need 10 pts to win a 10 end game.

You rarely see double-digit games in real life curling - only if it's a blow out.

Keep everything the way it is.

If the amateur/low-ranked players want a different style - then maybe give them different game settings to choose.
6-4 in a 10 ender would be more impressive. You don’t need 10 points to win.
I would easily beat you 12-0 in a 10 end game.

I would be impressed if you were able to squeeze out 1 point.
Im pretty sure Wullie would beat you using only his tongue FE! And so would i btw. Elite player? :D:D 
all fes points are valid except for the elite player comment 
ya dont need to be an elite player too beat wullie 12-0
Listen to Dumb & Dumber there. I can handle my own against most when the mood suits. I am just not obsessed with getting up there. There are some nice players at the top level but you 2 Muppets are the perfect example of why us genuine, happy, friendly, popular people are happy where we are.
Predictive text lol maybe I meant to say fans.
Mersey you came into my match the other night & said to me that you wanted to see better in the forum. That a good start for you?
I agree with the sweeping issue on here.  It has become impossible to sweep in too many instances which effect the outcome of the end or the game.  FOD needs to pay attention to this as it has been going on for far too long.
I agree HM. I will stop clowning about & be serious, Mods these are issues that need fixed, same as the server problem. We need to be listened to & answered.