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Does anyone know if there were or are any celebrities that play games here? 
For Mister Atkinson, you go to Oxford 
(United Kingdom of course), more precisely in Oxfordshire city and you will find it. Good luck.

A celebrity, she comes to light. A real good player's a discreet player.

Only fake ones most likely, one user making his name that of a celebrity or sports personality he very much liked or idolised. I highly doubt many of them have the time to focus on outdated online games..if any from FlyOrDie would be worth a try to them it would most likely be Chess or Backgammon. There's no real way for any of us to know a celeb played on here other than to tell someone else one did and that one would never be believed without solid proof of that person's existence on FlyOrDie lol.

Shame really, would have loved to have a game of chess with Mr Bean (Rowan Atkinson), i know he loves Chess but doubt he would be playing here ..eh who knows. Not like we can read minds lol